#308 Behind The Music – Transcript

[Max and Liz are in Mr. Evan’s office looking at the conspiracy board] Liz: You ok?
Max: I can’t believe this. My whole life is up here.
Liz: Yeah. So is mine. He knows that I’m a part of this.
Max: My own father. “Tess.”
Liz: he’s got cards up here for everything… Los Angeles, Utah… The jeep.
Max: I got rid of it.
Liz: Yeah, because you thought you’d never need it again.
Max: I was going home.
Liz: Max, maybe you should tell your father. You know, let him in on the secret.
Max: No. No, I can’t. Not ever.
Liz: Max-
Max: these are my parents. I can’t–I can’t put them in this kind of danger. They can’t ever know the truth.
Liz: So, what are you gonna do?
Max: The necklace I gave you when I thought I was leaving…
Liz: Yeah, what about it?
Max: I need it back.
[Liz and Maria are talking in the Crashdown] Maria: So he didn’t take it well, huh?
Liz: Alien Defcon 5.
Maria: It’ll be ok, I hope.
Liz: Let Max talk to Michael.
Maria: Right.
[Sighs] Michael: so, when does Billy get here?
Maria: I don’t know. I thought he’d be here by now.
Liz: Billy who?
Maria: Billy Darden.
Liz: First-kiss Billy? He’s coming here?
Maria: Yes. He’s on his way to New York.
Kyle: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Your ex-boyfriend’s coming to visit? That’s not legal.
Maria: He’s not my ex-boyfriend. We kissed once 4 years ago. I was 13, and Michael knows all about it.
Michael: Yeah, we’re all going to dinner.
Liz: No. No mayo on that one. Um, so, where’s he gonna stay?
Maria: At my house.
Kyle: Your mom’s ok with this?
Maria: My mom’s out of town.
Kyle: What?
Michael: It’s fine. There’s your no-mayo.
Kyle: Michael, Michael, Michael. Let me explain something to you. Here on the planet earth we have this thing called jealousy.
Michael: Kyle, relax. I have nothing to be jealous about. They were 13-year-old geeks at band camp.
Maria: Ok, first of all, it was a, uh, songwriter’s workshop. And, uh… Billy wasn’t a geek. He was just a little skinny. He had a little acne on the face, but-
Michael: and braces.
Maria: We all had braces. All right, fine. He was a little bit of a geek.
Kyle: And you kissed him?
Maria: Would you shut up?
Michael: Shut up.
[A young good looking guys comes into the Crashdown] Maria: Hello. Table or booth?
Billy: It’s me.
Maria: Billy?
Billy: Yeah.
Maria: No.
Billy: Yeah.
Maria: Come here. Oh, my god.
Billy: Ohh. God, look at you.
[A dozen eggs sitting next to Michael, suddenly explode] Maria: Oh. Um, let’s go this way.
Billy: All right.
Kyle: I guess the braces worked.
Billy: God, last time I saw you you were like 13 going on 30.
Maria: And you were like 98 pounds going on this. You look great.
Billy: Now don’t take this the wrong way, but have you looked in a mirror? I mean, you went from the girl no one wanted to dance with to the prom queen.
Maria: Now how am I supposed to take that the wrong way? And shut up.
Billy: I’m serious, really. You look great, Maria.
Maria: Thanks. Ahem. So… Uh, how long are you staying?
Billy: Uh, just a couple days. Uh, is it cool with your mom, me staying over?
Maria: Sure. Yeah. And anyway, she’s, uh, she’s actually gonna be out of town for a couple of days.
Billy: Oh. Well, uh, I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been working on.
Maria: Working on?
Billy: Your music.
Maria: Oh.
Billy: God, I can still remember some of the lyrics you wrote back at band camp.
Maria: God. Yeah, most of it was crap, anyway.
Billy: Oh, come on.
Maria: If anyone asks, though, it was a songwriters workshop.
Billy: Oh.
[Max opens the back door of Crashdown and whispers] Max: Michael!
Michael: What are you doing in here?
Max: When do you get off work?
Michael: 10 minutes. But I’ve got plans with Maria and Billy bob Thornton out there.
Max: Something came up. Cancel them.
[Maria and Billy are talking in front of the restaurant] Billy: That is so funny.
Michael: Hi.
Billy: Hey.
Michael: I’m the boyfriend.
Billy: Hey. Billy. Nice to meet you.
Maria: Ready to go?
Michael: Gotta cancel.
Maria: Wait a minute. I was gonna cook.
Michael: Something came up.
Maria: What?
Michael: It’s work-related.
Maria: Oh. Of course.
Michael: Steve’s wife, Cheryl, she got the flu on my other job, so I gotta cover for her…
Billy: Oh. Him.
Michael: Yeah. Sorry, Billy.
Billy: Oh, no. You gotta do what you gotta do, you know?
Michael: I’ll make it up to you. I promise.
Michael: Nice meeting you.
Billy: Yeah. He seems nice.
Maria: Oh, yeah. He’s a peach.
[Isabel and Jesse are moving into their new apartment] Isabel: Oh, no-no-no, honey! Those go in the bedroom. Those boxes go in the bedroom.
Jesse: Uh-huh.
Isabel: Oh, you know what? I’m sorry. You were right. Kitchen.
Jesse: I just remembered. We forgot something.
Isabel: Oh, jeez! Wow! You’re really strong.
Jesse: Ok, it’s tradition…
[Jesse picks Isabel up and walks her over the threshold] Jesse: Mrs. Ramirez, welcome to your new home.
Isabel: Thank you, Mr. Ramirez. I love you so much.
Jesse: Me, too.
[Telephone rings] Isabel: I should get that.
Jesse: And I should get more boxes. But we should…
Isabel: Continue this later?
Jesse: Yes.
[Ring] [ring] Isabel: hello?
Max: Did you find your healing stone?
Isabel: Yes, i did. It was in the box that i said it was gonna be in. You are way overreacting to this whole thing.
Max: No, I’m not, Isabel. Dad is on the warpath.
Isabel: He’s our father, not the enemy. Listen to me-
Mr Evans: Isabel?
Isabel: Oh, my god!
Mr Parker: Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. The door was open.
Isabel: Oh, can I call you back? I’ll call you back. Ok, bye. Hi, dad. Um… What’s up?
Mr Evans: I just wanted to see your new place. It’s nice. Cozy. Uh, from your mother and me.
[Mr Evans hands a plant to Isabel] Isabel: Ooh, thank you so much. Thank you. Um, you really should have waited, though, until, you know, we got a little more unpacked and situated.
Mr Evans: Nah, that’s all right. Where’s, uh, Jesse?
Isabel: He’s outside by the truck, I think.
Mr Evans: I can’t believe how grown up my kids are. You with your new house, Max with his new car.
Isabel: Yeah. Grown up.
Mr Evans: I guess I have to get used to my new role. I didn’t get the chance to help you find this place. I didn’t even know Max was getting a new car.
Isabel: Yeah, it all just happened really fast, you know?
Mr Evans: Do you even know when he got rid of the jeep?
Maria: I can’t believe you’re doing it. Moving to New York, huh?
Billy: Yeah. Greenwich village.
Maria: Playing seedy bars and coffee shops.
Billy: Well, that was the plan.
Maria: Yeah, but there are plans and then there are plans.
Billy: Well, I guess this was the plan.
Maria: Yeah, I guess so. So, what are you gonna do for money?
Billy: As long as I make enough to get by, I’m fine, you know?
Maria: Oh, god, that is so romantic, I could just scream.
Billy: Come on. It was your idea.
Maria: I know, but I mean, I was 13 and talkin’ about going to the big city. Even then I knew it was just talk. Here. Taste.
Billy: That’s pretty good. That’s not how I remember it. I mean, even back then you were pretty dead serious about your music. I mean, you’re the one that gave me the bug. If I hadn’t have met you, I’d still be playing stairway to heaven in my mom’s garage.
Maria: Well, I guess for me music was just more of like a passing thing.
Billy: Well, I find that very hard to believe.
Maria: What are you doing?
Billy: The sauce is just a little thin, so I’m gonna show you a little family secret.
Maria: In my sauce? You’re putting creamer-
Billy: shh. Come on. Try it. Try it. Try it.
Maria: Ok. Mm-hmm.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Maria: Not bad.
[Back at Jesse and Isabel’s apartment] Jesse: Your dad introduced me to some new clients as his son-in-law.
Isabel: This floor is way too hard.
Jesse: Do you think i should start calling him dad? Ha ha! That is too weird. I won’t do it.
Isabel: We could use a blanket. I’ll be right back .
Jesse: Hey, where are you going?
Isabel: To get a blanket.
Jesse: Why?
Isabel: So we can have sex.
Jesse: In here?
Isabel: Yes. It’s tradition that when a couple moves into their new place, they make love in every room of the house.
Jesse: Ok. Can I finish flossing my teeth? Oh! Before I forget, your dad-
Isabel: please! Could we just not talk about my dad for a second here?
Jesse: Yeah, sure.
Isabel: Oh, ok. What’d he say?
Jesse: He’s bringing up Utah. Utah? Yeah, Max’s little crime spree. He keeps asking me what I think really happened.
Isabel: What did you say?
Jesse: That I think Max is hiding something. Damned if I know what it is. What do you think?
Isabel: You wanna know what I think? I think that as long as my father and Max continue to invade my life with you, tradition is gonna have to wait.
Jesse: What did I just do?
[Isabel storms out] [Billy and Maria are talking] Maria: No! Oh, my god! No!
Billy: There she is. Right there.
Maria: Look at my hair and my eyes. Ugh!
Billy: Come on. It was your late 90s retro Annie Lennox phase. You know, you were experimenting. I think it was cute.
Maria: Right. Burn those now.
Billy: Oh, no–oh, no. These are goin’ to the big apple where they’ll be prominently displayed in my guitar case where people will be throwing money.
Maria: Look at that! Look at– this hair spray alone could choke a horse.
Billy: Ok. Well, look past the somewhat flammable hair and see what I see.
Maria: Which is what? Bad eyeliner?
Billy: Nah. Dreams. Look. This girl… Has beautiful dreams. And she makes beautiful music. So, what happened to her?
Maria: Nothing. She just grew up.
Billy: Right. Right.
[Max and Michael are digging a hole in the dessert] Michael: Is this deep enough?
Max: Almost.
Michael: Max, we’ve been up all night collecting every conceivable alien artifact that ever crashed in this god-forsaken planet, including all of Tess’s stuff. I’m tired.
Max: All right. That’s deep enough. We still need your healing stone.
Michael: I think it’s at Maria’s.
Max: You think it’s at Maria’s?
Michael: Yeah. I don’t know. Most likely.
Max: I bet if it was one of your Metallica cds you’d know where it was.
Michael: Hey! You wanna bring that up again? The reason I got pissed is you put and justice for all before master of puppets.
Max: Yeah. Alphabetical order.
Michael: They go in order of the release date.
Max: And you don’t know where your healing stone is?
Michael: You still wanna sleep on my couch?
[Cell phone rings] Max: hello?
Isabel: Jesse is asking all kinds of questions about you, Max. You’re right. Dad is out of control. We have to do something.
Max: Isabel, calm down. Just tell me what happened.
Michael: What’s going on?
Max: My dad’s recruited Jesse into this crusade of his.
Michael: Ok, Max, you need to talk to your father. Keep your friends close…
Michael: And your enemies closer.
Isabel: Our father is not the enemy, Max.
Michael: Talk to him. Make nice. Get close. Find out what he–
[The camera pans back. A man is hiding behind some rocks taking pictures of Max and Michael] [Later, Michael is knocking on Maria’s door- Billy answers] Michael: you haven’t left yet.
Billy: Oh, no, man. Late night. Sorry. I’m leaving later today.
Michael: How was dinner?
Billy: It was good, man. It was good.
Billy: How’s Steve’s wife?
Michael: Who?
Billy: Steve’s wife, with the flu. You covered for him. Remember? Yeah. She’s great. She’s fine. Is Maria around?
Billy: No, man. You just missed her. Just missed her. Can I leave her a note or a message or something?
Michael: No. I’m here to pick something up.
Billy: Can I help you look?
Michael: No. That’s ok.
Billy: What are you looking for?
Michael: Something I need.
[Michael puts the healing stone in his pocket] Billy: Hey, when did Maria stop writing music?
Michael: She messes around with it once in a while.
Billy: Well, how often does she mess around with it?
Michael: Is this goin’ somewhere?
Billy: No. I mean, maybe. I mean, I don’t know. I’m just… I’m just wondering if she’s given up on writing and singing altogether.
Michael: I really wouldn’t know.
Billy: Well, listen, man, she’s really good. I mean, she’s really good.
Michael: Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.
Michael: I guess what I’m looking for isn’t here.
Billy: Well, I’d tell her you stopped by, but I got a bus to catch.
[Later, Michael is making sauce at the Crashdown] Maria: Hmm, you know what? That sauce looks a little thin. You should put half and half in there.
Michael: It’s not coffee.
Maria: It works. Billy showed me. It gives it heft.
Michael: I don’t put dairy products in my meat sauce. It’s not kosher.
Maria: Ok. I said no cheese in the nebulua salad.
Michael: Forgot. Listen, I was thinking about skipping out on bowling tonight, and maybe we could make up for last night.
Maria: That is so sweet, but I kind of had plans. Just…
Michael: Plans with who?
Maria: It’s nothing…Big. Just me and Billy were gonna go and…
Michael: Billy? Isn’t he on the bus?
Maria: He missed it. He’s staying another night.
Michael: Another night?!
[The salad bowl explodes] Maria: What did you do that for? You could’ve hurt me.
Michael: Sorry. I’m not sure what happened.
[Max is waiting in his father’s office] Mr Evans: Max.
Max: Hey, dad.
Mr Evans: What are you doing here?
Max: I think we need to talk.
Mr Evans: I agree completely.
Secretary: Your 11:30 is here.
Mr Evans: Gimme 10 seconds. I’m sorry, I’ve got a meeting waiting.
Max: No, it’s ok. Why don’t we go fishing, like we used to, away from all these interruptions?
Mr Evans: Sounds good. When?
Max: Tomorrow.
Mr Evans: Great. I’ll pick you up early. Got to get a jump…
Max: On those fish. Excuse me.
[Mr Evans meeting is with the photographer who was taking pictures of Max and Michael] Private Investigator: Saw him and that friend of his out in the desert.
Mr Evans: What were they doing?
Private Investigator: Couldn’t really tell from where I was standing, but I got some pictures.
Mr Evans: What else you got for me?
Private Investigator: A receipt from the last time your son filled up his jeep. First week in may.
Mr Evans: That’s when Tess disappeared. Do you think these 2 events are connected?
Private Investigator: There’s only 3 reasons a person gets rid of a vehicle– 1–they sell it. 2–they ruin it in order to bilk the insurance company. Or 3–they destroy it to hide something.
Mr Evans: What do you think my son’s trying to hide?
Private Investigator: We better find that jeep, Mr. Evans.
[Maria comes home and finds Billy playing Alex’s guitar] Maria: Billy, I hope you’re ok with hamburgers ’cause that’s you’re getting.
Billy: Hamburgers are fine.
Maria: Why is that out?
Billy: Michael stopped by today. This ended up on the bed, so I am tuning it for you.
Maria: Why?
Billy: It’s out of tune, darlin’.
Maria: Put it back.
Billy: In just a second.
Maria: You know what? Forget it. I’ll put it back.
Billy: Hey, what’s wrong?
Maria: I invite you into my house and you go through my stuff?
Billy: Where’s all this coming from? It’s a guitar baby.
Maria: No, it’s not.
[Michael and Liz are closing the Crashdown] Michael: Pretty busy night, huh?
Liz: Mm-hmm.
Michael: How much money do you think we’d pull in on a night like tonight?
Liz: You know that you really suck at small talk? Why don’t you just tell Dr. Parker what’s on your mind?
Michael: Hey, tell me–do I need to be worried about this Billy guy?
Liz: No, you don’t. He’s completely harmless.
Michael: But you think he’s good-looking right?
Liz: Uh, well, yeah, if you like that sort of thing, I guess.
Michael: The good-looking sort of thing.
Liz: Michael…
Michael: Do you really think he missed his bus?
Liz: Yes, i do. Haven’t you ever missed a bus before?
Michael: No, ’cause I don’t take the bus, and I don’t write songs. And I don’t cook with freaking half and half.
[The sugar dispensers explode] Liz: Hey! Hey, Michael!
Michael: Sorry. My powers are out of control.
Liz: Would you look at this mess! My dad is gonna freak.
Michael: Relax. I’ll fix it.
[Michael tries to fix the mess, but his powers don’t work] Liz: Please. Michael, you need to calm down, ok? Everything’s gonna be fine between you and Maria, trust me.
Michael: She cooked him Italian food last night.
Liz: Oh.
Michael: I knew it. That’s a problem.
Liz: No, no, it’s not a problem. It’s just, um… It’s food.
Michael: No, Liz. It’s Italian food.
Liz: Michael, please don’t do anything stupid or alien or both, please?!
[Billy strums guitar in adjoining room] Maria: try going to an f major 7th, please. I can’t listen to you anymore. Just trying going to an f major 7th.
Billy: Not bad.
Maria: Oh, please. I totally fixed it for you.
Billy: Ok. Now let’s see if you remember this one… So what about earlier?
Maria: Yeah, I’m sorry that I went off on you.
Billy: Gonna tell me about it?
Maria: That guitar belonged to a friend of mine. His name was Alex. He died last year.
Billy: I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I had no idea.
Maria: His parents wanted me to have this guitar, but I just couldn’t bring myself to play it.
Billy: Bad memories.
Maria: He was only 17. He had his whole life. His whole life.
Billy: Did you and Alex write songs together?
Maria: Not really. We tried once, but I just don’t partner well. I don’t know, you’re, like, the only person that I’ve ever trusted in that way.
Billy: So if you guys were writing songs, then that means you were singing up until…
Maria: Until his funeral. Yeah, that was the last time.
Billy: Well, then I guess tonight’s a special night.
Maria: (Singing) I wish I could read your mind – words don’t mean a thing – I’ve given you all my time – all you do is leave – and if you were standing here in front of me – I know you would say – there’s nothing oh, so precious – as something that’s gone away – and if there is a reason – i just don’t want to know – why you feel the need to love me so – only when you go – only when you go-
[Michael is watching thru the window- He gets upset and walks off- his powers are out of control and setting off car alarms- He slams the door as he walks into his apartment] Max: what happened?
Michael: It’s over.
Max: What, my dad found something? What?
Michael: No, it’s not that. I saw Maria and what’s his name, Billy, together.
Max: Oh, together as in… Together?
Michael: Worse.
Max: What could be worse?
Michael: They were singing together.
Max: So you’re jealous.
Michael: I’m not jealous!
[A lamp explodes] Michael: My powers are slightly out of whack.
Max: “Out of whack”?
Michael: I’ve been blowing things up all day.
Max: Get them under control.
Michael: I can’t.
Max: Michael, get yourself together. What if this happens in front of my father?
Michael: I don’t care about your father or his stupid investigation.
Max: All right, look, I’m sorry. We’re part human. We’re supposed to have feelings. You keep them bottled up like this, they’re gonna get out somehow.
Michael: What should I do?
Max: Talk to her.
Michael: That’s it? Just talk to her?
Max: Yeah.
Michael: Ok, sure.
[Max and his father are fishing on the lake] Mr Evans: I’ve missed this.
Max: Yeah, me, too.
Mr Evans: So why did you get rid of the jeep?
Max: Got sick of it. Plastic doors, the roof took forever to get on and off.
Mr Evans: Yeah. I hope you got a good price for it.
Max: Blue book.
Mr Evans: Huh. So who bought it?
Max: This guy at school. Drove it cross-country to college. Cornell, I think.
Mr Evans: It was a fun car. Remember the guy we bought it from?
Max: Yeah. Now, he was scary.
Mr Evans: I thought he was gonna shoot us.
Max: You wouldn’t meet his price.
Mr Evans: I did when the gun fell out of his boot. How old were you?
Max: 15.
Mr Evans: Yeah. I’m just surprised that you would sell it without telling me first.
Max: It was sort of spontaneous.
Mr Evans: And you say this guy who bought it– he was gonna drive it all the way to Cornell?
Max: Yeah. He was planning on fixing it up first.
Mr Evans: Right.
Max: I saw the board in your office. I know what you’re doing.
Mr Evans: And what am I doing?
Max: It isn’t right to spy on your own son.
Mr Evans: I’m not spying. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. Is my concern for you a threat?
Max: Do I threaten you?
Mr Evans: You frighten me, Max. I don’t think I know who you are anymore. I’m beginning to think I’ve never known.
Max: I’m your son.
Mr Evans: With secrets. And my biggest fear is that they’re terrible secrets, that you’re in trouble and I can’t help.
Max: You can’t help because I’m not in trouble.
Mr Evans: Not in trouble? Max, if it weren’t for me, you’d be rotting in jail right now. I put my reputation on the line for you, and I still don’t know why.
[Cell phone rings] Mr Evans: what? Yeah. Wait there. We’re done. Let’s head in.
Max: Dad…
Mr Evans: We’re done.
[Michael comes up behind Maria in the Crashdown] Michael: hey.
Maria: “Hey” back.
Michael: Can I say something?
Maria: Back room.
Maria: Do we have a problem?
Michael: No, we don’t. I do.
Maria: How can I help?
Michael: Be patient with me.
Maria: Always.
Michael: Don’t say it like that, like I’m a kid.
Maria: That’s not what I meant. What are you worried about, really? What can I do?
Michael: Tell your friend to leave. He shouldn’t be here. It’s not a good time.
Maria: Not a good time? Let me ask you a question, Michael.
Michael: Here we go…
Maria: No, don’t do that.
Michael: You ask “what can I do,” and I tell you.
Maria: When is it a good time?
Michael: To step out with an old boyfriend?
Maria: He is not an old– ooh, would you just-
Michael: where’s your patience now?
Maria: When is it a good time for me to take a small step back from this nonstop alien hootenanny?
Michael: We’re in danger. Max’s father-
Maria: I know.
Michael: Yeah, and you don’t care because that Billy guy–
[Michael’s powers cause things on the shelf to fall] Maria: Michael…
Michael: You’re gonna leave me for him.
Maria: No. No. Ok, I’ll tell him.
Michael: Thank you.
Maria: Hey, it’s what I do. It’s what I always do.
[Kyle is talking to Max on the phone] Kyle: Max, I think we got a problem.
Max: What is it?
Kyle: Your dad just called for a tow truck.
Max: Where?
Kyle: Mile marker 16 out on route 7.
Max: They found the jeep.
[Maria comes home. Billy is playing the guitar] Billy: Hey.
Maria: I have to tell you something.
Billy: What?
Maria: You have to go.
Billy: Right this second?
Maria: Yeah.
Billy: I’ll get my stuff. Is this about Michael? Am I in the middle of something?
Maria: No. It’s complicated. It’s just my life. I can’t have more than one thing going on. It’s not you. It has nothing to do with you.
Billy: That’s too bad.
Maria: What’s that supposed to mean?
Billy: Truth? Maria, i missed my bus on purpose.
Maria: Why?
Billy: Because I was given some advice one time… Decide what you want in life and live it.
Maria: That’s terrible advice.
Billy: You gave it to me.
Maria: That explains it.
Billy: 4 years ago, our last night at camp.
Maria: I was 13.
Billy: That night stuck with me. You stuck with me. That kiss stuck with me. It was my first one.
Maria: You told me that you kissed tons of girls.
Billy: I lied. I don’t know. I was just… I was hoping that-
Maria: I’m with someone.
Billy: Yeah, I met him.
Maria: Look, you don’t understand. Michael is just-
Billy: stopping you?
Maria: Stopping me from what?
Billy: from I don’t know. From life. From this.
[Billy kisses Maria- she doesn’t respond at first, then kisses him back] [The scene switches to the jeep being pulled up from the ravine. Michael, Max, and Isabel are watching] Isabel: This is bad.
Michael: What are you gonna tell your father, Max?
Max: I’m not gonna tell him anything. He doesn’t trust me anymore.
Michael: Who does he trust?
[Max looks at Isabel] [Scene switches to Liz and Maria talking] Liz: and then you kissed him?
Maria: Yes, I did.
Liz: Where is he right now?
Maria: At my house.
Liz: Ha! What were you thinking?
Maria: I don’t know.
Liz: And that’s all that it was. It was just a kiss.
Maria: Maybe. You know? Maybe not.
Liz: Let’s just talk about the kiss for one second. Was there any passion?
Maria: Tons.
Liz: Oh…
Maria: I know. But it’s not that kind of passion. It’s like it woke me up.
Liz: Like sleeping beauty.
Maria: Yeah, I guess.
Maria: Do you think I’ve been asleep this whole time?
Liz: Well… I think you’ve been trying to remember who you used to be for a long time. Say it.
Maria: I just– sometimes I just feel like I’ve paid this huge price for knowing Michael and knowing these aliens. It’s like… God, I didn’t think I’d end up here dealing with this crap every day. I mean, I love Michael, and I do sort of love this ridiculous soap opera, but… I just…I can’t take it anymore. I feel like I’m trapped and I’m never gonna get out.
Liz: I know.
Maria: I mean, I… I didn’t sign up for this.
Liz: Yes, you did. We all did.
Maria: I know. It’s just, I had this dream once… I mean, maybe I still do. I don’t know.
Liz: Maybe sometimes you have to go after your dreams. And who am i to tell you just give them up, because without your dreams, you’re just me.
Maria: Liz.
Liz: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. That sounded way too self-pitying, and this isn’t about me. It’s just that, um… I’m committed to going down this road with Max. Good, bad, indifferent, I’m committed. And I’ve given up a lot along the way, so unless you’re sure that’s what you want to do with Michael, don’t be so quick to give up your dreams.
[Maria comes home. Billy is packing to leave] Maria: Hey. I have this insane idea.
Billy: What?
Maria: That we do what we planned, that I go to New York with you.
Billy: Wow.
Maria: Yeah.
Billy: What about your mom?
Maria: Well, I know that she’ll want me to finish high school.
Billy: Not a bad idea.
Maria: No, so after I graduate.
Billy: Great.
Maria: Maybe.
Billy: Maybe.
Maria: No, I just don’t know if this is what I wanna do-
Billy: hey, hey, hey. You don’t owe me an explanation. I screwed things up.
Maria: No, you didn’t.
Billy: Yes, I did. I should have known better. I changed the whole flow between us. But I been wanting to kiss you for about 4 years, and I’m a guy, so I took a shot.
Maria: I just think I may have given you the wrong impression.
Billy: No, you didn’t. We’re fine. And if I did anything to make you feel bad, I’m sorry. I just wish you hadn’t of…
Maria: What?
Billy: I wish you hadn’t hidden yourself away with that guitar.
Billy: You gonna come see me in the village?
Maria: Yes.
Billy: I’ll get you front row seats.
Maria: And I will throw my underwear at you.
[Sighs] Billy: bye, Maria.
Maria: Bye.
[Billy leaves] [Isabel and Jesse are having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Evans] Mrs Evans: It’s newly upholstered. It has a dark print with big, uh… Pink cabbage roses.
Jesse: Wow. I don’t know if that would really, uh-
Mr Evans: hey, hey, hey.
Mr Evans: You can’t beat the price.
[As Isabel sits down, she is remembering what Max told her. We hear his voice and the conversation she had with him] Max: They trust you, Isabel.
Isabel: I’m sick of lying to our parents.
Max: There’s no other choice.
Isabel: Yes, there is. The truth.
Max: It’s too dangerous for them and for us.
Isabel: Max, you’re wrong I want to tell them…
[Voice over conversation ends] Isabel: The truth.
Mrs Evans: What, hon?
Isabel: What?
Mrs Evans: Did you say something?
Isabel: The truth. I… I want to tell you the truth about what’s been going on with Max.
Isabel: It’s about Tess. Max got Tess pregnant, but she left before the baby was born, so Max may have a child out there somewhere.
Mrs Evans: Oh, my.
Isabel: That night that she left, he was so angry that he just drove all night and pushed his jeep off a cliff because he… Was so crazy.
Jesse: God, Isabel. I’m so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t have-
Mr Evans: I’m sorry, too, Isabel, for asking you those questions, for putting Jesse in the middle.
Isabel: He would have told you himself. He was just so afraid to disappoint you.
Mr Parker: Thank you for finally telling us the truth.
[Isabel is talking to Max on the phone later] Max: Did they buy it?
Isabel: Yeah. They bought everything.
Isabel: You’re safe for another day.
Max: Thanks, Iz. I owe you.
Isabel: Maybe now we can get back to normal.
[Mr. Evans is in his office looking at a picture of Isabel. He pins it to his board under the conspirators section] [Michael meets Maria in the park] Michael: You wanted to talk, which usually means you’re gonna kick my ass, so I brought some friends.
Maria: Thank you. I guess.
Michael: Ha. Is he gone yet?
Maria: Yeah.
Michael: good!
Maria: Feel better?
Michael: Getting there. What are we talking about?
Maria: I wanna break up. I want out because I love you so much. I love you more than you could possibly know.
Michael: I’m lost.
Maria: No, I’m lost. And you’ve been there the whole time to help me through all of it.
Michael: All of what?
Maria: This whole thing– this alien, human, the scary stuff, the bad stuff.
Michael: And there was fun stuff, too.
Maria: Yeah, but I haven’t been honest in any of it.
Michael: Listen, if you’re trying to tell me that you’re a bisexual or something, I’m–I’m cool with that. I’m…
Michael: Why do you want out?
Maria: Because, Michael, I don’t think I’ve ever been in. I mean, this girl you’ve known for the past 3 years– Maria– it’s just not me.
Maria: Of course it’s you.
Maria: No, it’s not the me I used to be.
Michael: Things change.
Maria: Yeah, things change.
Michael: Just like that. Will you come back to me?
Maria: I don’t know.
[Maria hands the flowers back and walks off- she goes home and picks up Alex’s guitar- we see Isabel looking out the window, Mr. Evans taking a drink, and Michael remembering his relationship with Maria] [Song plays in the background]