Colin HanksLeading

NY Daily News – Colin Article

Sorry for not updating as much as I would have liked to this weekend. I sort of have a bad case of my allergies acting up due to the rain here in Ca.

Thanks to Chaz for sending this in. Follow the link to read the rest of the article

‘Roswell’ Star Just
Hank-ers to Keep Acting

Daily News Staff Writer

y his own admission, Colin Hanks, a cast member of the WB sci-fi drama “Roswell,” flies “under the radar.”

While others on the show such as Jason Behr and Katherine Heigel generate lots of media and fan attention, Hanks moves though his normal life without a peep. For some Hollywood types, missing out on the hype would be a hassle. Not for Hanks.

Majandra Delfino and Hanks in ‘Roswell’.
“I’m completely fine with that,” he said. “I’m just happy to be working. I’m just a 22-year-old actor in L.A. who works consistently. That’s what really comforts me, that I’m working and I have money to put food on the table.”

Hanks plays Alex Whitman on the Monday night show about a group of aliens who look like humans and live in Roswell, N.M.

Hanks plays Alex Whitman, one of the humans the aliens befriend.

“We know more about their history and their purpose,” Hanks said of the current season. “We’re seven episodes deep [into production]. We’ve been exploring all sorts of story lines about other aliens out to get us and trying to keep it a secret.

“We push the science fiction now, which is great because it opens up so many doors,” he added.