“The Player” Episode 2 – Features Nick Wechsler
A new episode of “The Player” airs tonight at 10/9c PM after the season premiere of “The Blacklist”. The second episode of the Las Vegas set action thriller features the first appearance of Nick Wechsler as Cassandra’s boyfriend, who is also named Nick. Charity Wakefield tweeted yesterday “Watch out for a certain Mr @Nick_Wechsler’s appearance in tomorrow’s #ThePlayer. You’re welcome ladies. @NBCThePlayer Thursdays10/9c”
THE BETS ARE IN AND THE CRIMES BEGIN- Alex Kane (Philip Winchester) is sent to stop a diamond heist and runs into an old colleague that wants information. Mr. Johnson (Wesley Snipes) and Cassandra King (Charity Wakefield) intervene and threaten to call off the bets. Finally, Kane attends Ginny’s (Daisy Betts) funeral and uncovers some shocking evidence about her murder. Also starring Damon Gupton.
It was announced yesterday, that Sony Pictures Television (SPT) has closed deals in 105 territories for the new NBC action drama. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the NBC series is going to more than 100 territories, including to Australia’s Seven, France’s TF1 and RTL in Germany. The pay-TV channel RTL Crime is already airing the NBC show. “The Player” premiered just 24 hours after the US broadcast. Please visit the official german website for more information: rtl-crime.rtl.de
Don’t miss the show tonight!
Watch out for a certain Mr @Nick_Wechsler's appearance in tomorrow's #ThePlayer. You're welcome ladies.
@NBCThePlayer Thursdays10/9c
— Charity Wakefield (@charitywakefld) September 30, 2015
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Nick Wechsler joins NBC’s “The Player”, August 19th, 2015
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