Baron And Toluca

#NETFLIXforBandT – Optimize Your Tweets To Increase Trending Potential

While we are enjoying the Tweet-A-Thon promotion with some beautiful Baron And Toluca fan art creations on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram … why don’t you already start preparing your tweets for Saturday?

We primary promoted the Tutorials for scheduling tweets to fans from oversees and suggested to use these social media tools for everyone who might not be able to live tweet, but actually everyone who prepares tweets early has some extra time

Why not optimizing your Twitter experience?

During a private fun chat with some Roswell and dedicated B+T fans, additional amazing tips were shared. Marey told us that that she set her TweetDeck last week anticipating that she wasn’t going to be live, but then her plans changed and she was able to be there.

She shared that having set up her tweets in advance to go off at 6:00 PM EST optimized her to participate in the campaign more: “(it) allowed me to not waste time typing up new tweets, but rather retweeting others and adding the hashtag #NETFLIXforBandT to better create the ‘flurry’ we need to go #1.”

  • Schedule your tweets and have some extra time to RT and reply to tweets.
  • Schedule tweets e.g.: 5-10 tweets on Tweetdeck starting at 6:00 PM EST (That’s 10 minutes of live feed that you can retweet and help create the flurry of activity straight out of the gate!
  • Watch the Tutorials here and let us know if you have further questions.
  • Check out Mireya’s Tweeting Tips.
  • Remember to tweet the official campaign tweet, which can be found on, but create your own original tweets, too!
  • Do’s and Don’ts article by Nomi: Do You Know The Do’s And Don’ts Of Tweeting For The #NETFLIXforBandT Twitter Campaigns?
  • Don’t tweet the same phrase over and over in separate tweets and just change the picture- that doesn’t help #NETFLIXforBandT to trend.

Also, did you know that there is a limit of 100 tweets (including retweets) per hour? Twitter allows you 2,400 tweets per day, so compose your tweets wisely! If you do reach a limit, Twitter will let you know with an error message telling you which limit you’ve hit. (Learn more about Twitter limits and read this article.)

No one wants to be in Twitter Jail, right?

We’ve been waiting a long time and to have this real chance to bring two beloved actors back on screen with such an amazing project beats everything! Bring your friends tomorrow and let’s have a great time while we try to get Netflix’s attention.

Many thanks to Marey, Mireya, Izzy, Natalia and Nomi!