Crashdown ExclusiveRoswell

Thanks For Participating In Our Easter Giveaway

We hope you enjoy the holidays and thanks so much to everyone who participated in our latest giveaway on which was Easter Egg related…

Thanks so much for your numerous replies and messages about your favorite Roswell Easter Egg in the B+T promo. I guess we are sure to say that one line in particular is a fan favorite. More about that later…

The early easter gift in form of beautiful Roswell cookies was kindly submitted by RoswellGirl. The decorated cookies were send out to Roswell fan Abby this week after the giveaway closed. Congratulations again! Abby replied just two minutes after we contacted her about her win. “These are too cute!!“, she wrote on social media this Thursday after receiving the package. “Anyone who knows me, knows that #Roswell is my favorite show of all time! Thanks to @crashdowncom for the contest and Roswellgirl for the beautiful cookies! They are almost too pretty to eat, and I LOVE the “Thank you for visiting Roswell” sticker on the box! 😍 “ she captured the attached pictures, one showing the box and the other gives us a view inside the box with the handmade decorated Roswell sugar cookies. There are 12 cookies, two of each one in the box.

It was amazing to find out which Roswell Easter Egg was the favorite. The opening of the promo with the familiar street sign appearing on screen was a highlight for many fans.

Lisa wrote: “Such a great promo! I love the camera pan to the 285 sign, because that can only mean one thing! 👽👆

“This makes me smile so big every time I watch it.“ wrote Samantha. “I really hope Netflix does the right thing and decides to take it on ❤ I love so many things about the promo, but my favorite is probably, “Are you kidnapping me?” “No, I’m abducting you.” And then Majandra’s little laugh 😁 As for my favorite cookie, it would definitely have to be the Crash Down uniform ❤“

“285 south & Metallica/DChix. Makes me think of Michael saying he watches The View cause it keeps him in touch with his feminine side. 👽✨“ replied Teresa.

Baron hiding his music guilty pleasure was a highlight for Madison, too. “I love that she catches him listening to the Dixie chicks haha! Also, so awesome that she’s in a Jetta, nod to Roswell!“

Heather enjoys the great mix of the hidden references. She replied: “Everything about the clip screams episode 285 South. From the car, to the scenic view to the back and forth between them. I love it!“ For Adam “it’s a tie between the Metallica and “I’m abducting you““

Alexandra sums it up “The B+T promo absolutely gives us hope for a spin off: Michael hitchhiking, Maria’s Jetta, 285 South sign, “what’re you doing down here?”, Dixie Chicks, Metallica, New Mexico, the awkward lead up to “not if you were the last human/alien on earth” just like in the 285 South episode, “not getting sucked into it this time”, “What’re you kidnaping me? No, I’m abducting you”. All these small subtle welcome us to a new beginning.👽

We hope to hear some good news about a series order soon. It’s about time and the fans are ready!

There was a lot of praising for the cookies, as well.

“I love the symbol ones! Major talent!!!“ wrote Jackie in a comment on Facebook. “These are amazing! The alien one is my fav! 👽 I watch that promo regularly & every time I get a kick out of “not if you were the last human on earth!” 👽 definitely my favorite!“ shared Tara.

The well timed motorcycle scene which drowns Toluca’s “Not if you were the last ______ on earth“ was the second favorite easter egg. Mentioned the most was the “Wait are you kidnapping me?” “No, I am abducting you.” line.

Do you want to surprise a fellow fan with those cookies? They are surely an eye-catcher for your next Roswell re-watch party as well. Please head on over to RoswellGirl’s Etsy shop and order some.

What’s your favorite Roswell Easter Egg?

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Giveaway: We’ve Got An Early Easter Gift For You, Roswellians!, April 10th, 2017