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Adam Rodriguez Talks Directing “Criminal Minds”

Adam Rodriguez talks about directing “Criminal Minds” in a new reel that was posted on the official Instagram page of the show.

The video caption reads “Fourth time’s a charm” since it has been his fourth time to sit in the directors chair for the crime drama. “This was the fourth episode of Criminal Minds that I’ve been able to direct, and I love it every time.”

He added “I always love, like, showing up to direct. You get to be a team member in a different capacity. You are working side by side with people that you don’t get to work as closely with as an actor every day. I love getting to further develop those relationships. That’s my favorite part of directing something that I’m on. As an actor you show up every day and you are doing one specific job, and you pull your weight doing that job, and you deliver on every level that you can, and that’s your contribution to the team. And when you direct, you are involved in every aspect of getting the show done.

It is really fun to get to watch my friends who are actors do their thing and just be reminded of how wonderful they are at what they do, because I’ve got a different lense on, and I am like, ‘oh my God, this is so good.’”

Watch the full clip here:

“Criminal Minds Evolution” is streaming on Paramount+.