
Roswell Outcry in Australia

Thanks to Mish #2 for sending this in! These letters to the editor appeared in Melbourne’s Herald Sun paper this Wednesday, May 3!

More proof that Roswell fans worldwide, shouldn’t be taken lightly!

Viewers seething over Nine’s decision to reschedule the sci-fi series

What is nine doing with Roswell? I am having flashbacks to Seven’s
treatment of Buffy. Do TV stations care about the public or is everything
based on ratings? Why did nine promote this show all summer and move it
after only four episodes?
Chris Denvir, e-mail

I think Nine should put Roswell back on it’s original timeslot of Monday,
8:30pm. This show is 10 times better than Dawsons Creek and I love watching
it. It’s also much better than Ally McBeal.
Roswell Fan, e-mail

Why was Roswell moved out of the Monday, 8:30pm timeslot? How can a
decision like that be made after four episodes with the show being
rescheduled to midnight on Fridays. I think the show should be given more
of a chance to build an audience.
Annoyed Nine Viewer, e-mail

I am writing about Nine’s poor treatment of Roswell. With the almost
certain demise of The X-Files, what will sci-fi fans have to watch? Nine,
seize the day. Pretty soon you will be the only station with any sort of
sci-fi series.
Roswell Fan, e-mail

Channel Nine hyped Roswell up all summer as one of the great new shows of
2000 and then moved it after a month. This action shows a lack of respect
for Channel Nine’s viewing audience.
CB, Sydney

Please give Roswell the support it deserves. It is the only show on TV that
I can relate to, in the sense that we all feel a little alienated at times.
It is the most romantic show on TV and leaves you wanting more every
episode. I’m not sure how you can help, but I want to make sure Roswell is
given the chance it deserves.
Concerned Roswellian, e-mail

Is there any pressure your publication can bring to bear on Nine regarding
its treatment of Roswell? After only four episodes, it was consigned to
late, late Friday nights. If they were worried about ratings before, it
will surely die there. This is a terrific program, critically well reviewed
and I just don’t think the network has given it a chance. Can you do
Anna, e-mail

Not a lot, short of printing all your letters of protest at Nine’s treatment
of Roswell. We have received hundreds of letters from Roswell fans. Can we
give it a rest. I think Nine have got the message – Ed.


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