
Very Cool article from “La Naci�n”

My good friend webmaster17, who started the first spanish language Roswell site sent in this article from the Argentinian Newspaper, “La Naci�n”. The spanish is first, followed by a translation thru bable-fish, that you will have to forgive. Webmaster17’s site can be viewed by clicking here.

C�mo salvar series y no morir en el intento

Estrategia: en los EE.UU., los fan�ticos organizan operaciones de rescate para evitar que los programas sean levantados del aire.
Cuando el a�o �ltimo, Azul TV decidi� levantar “Todo por dos pesos”, un grupo de admiradores del programa c�mico organiz� una protesta medi�tica para revertir la medida. M�s all� de sus buenos intenciones y de que hoy el ciclo de humor est� de nuevo en el aire, sus intentos fracasaron. Tal vez, los reclamantes deban tomar lecciones de los fan�ticos norteamericanos, que manejan a la perfecci�n las estrategias que se necesitan para mantener en el aire a sus programas favoritos.
Los esfuerzos desplegados por los los admiradores de “Popular”, “Roswell”, “Felicity” y “J�venes y rebeldes” ante la posibilidad de que sus programas fueran levantados despertar�an la admiraci�n de los m�s inteligentes estrategos militares.

Como ejemplo, vale la impresi�n que se llevaron en los estudios Warner cuando a sus puertas lleg� un cargamento de tampones sin usar. Protesta y al mismo tiempo extra�o homenaje a uno de los personajes de “Popular” (lunes a las 22, por Sony) que en uno de los cap�tulos de la �ltima temporada utilizaba el mencionado art�culo para escribir la palabra ayuda en el piso de un ba�o en el que estaba encerrada.

Como justificaci�n de tama�a encomienda, una de las fan�ticas asegur� que los tampones serv�an como muestra del p�blico que ve el programa: j�venes mujeres con altos ingresos, una platea m�s que deseable para los que se ocupan de vender los espacios de publicidad. Los programadores hicieron sus cuentas y, la semana �ltima, confirmaron que “Popular” seguir� en pantalla.

Casi 1100 botellas de salsa tabasco llegaron de improviso a las del canal que emite “Roswell”, (mi�rcoles a las 19.30, por Fox). As�, los fan�ticos dijeron presente y salieron en banda a comprar el condimento, el favorito de los protagonistas del programa. Los roswellianos- as� se hacen llamar los fan�ticos del ciclo-, tienen a su favor su edad, una caracter�stica tentadora para la cadena que emite la serie, que tiene dificultades para atrapar al p�blico adulto. Como “Roswell” prob� ser su llave hacia ese segmento, los alien�genas adolescentes tendr�n una nueva oportunidad en los pr�ximos meses.

Cartas de amor en cassette

“Querida Sally, tengo muchas ganas de empezar la nueva temporada. Un beso, Felicity”. Este texto se escuch� por todo Estados Unidos cuando los seguidores de la serie dram�tica (martes a las 22, por Sony), comenzaron a enviar cassettes a los medios y canales para evitar la cancelaci�n de este programa que, en su segundo a�o de vida, no consigui� el rating esperado. Ya que la protagonista del ciclo suele confesarse por medio de cintas grabadas, el m�todo parece adecuado. Los bolsillos habr�n sufrido, pero los fan�ticos triunfaron. Gracias a su insistencia hay nuevos cap�tulos en producci�n.

Quienes no tuvieron tanta suerte fueron los espectadores de “J�venes y rebeldes” (s�bado a las 22, por Fox). A pesar de que lograron juntar dinero suficiente para publicar un aviso de protesta en la influyente revista Variety, el programa fue levantado. Para quienes sufran una decepci�n parecida a la suya, los fan�ticos del programa dejaron un legado, una lista de reglas por seguir en el caso de querer llamar la atenci�n de los ejecutivos de un canal.

Recomiendan escribir siempre a mano (se presta m�s atenci�n a los textos manuscritos), consumados expertos en marketing, los fans aseguran que ayudar� a la suerte de su programa favorito si en las cartas incluyen datos personales ya que esos detalles resultar�n muy interesantes para quien tenga que determinar que tipo de p�blico est� interesado en el programa en peligro. Nadie puede asegurar que todos estos creativos esfuerzos se traducen en un aumento del rating. Lo cierto es que los fan�ticos se hacen o�r y que su voz muchas veces termina en un grito de victoria.

Translation thru bable-fish:

How to save series and not to die in the attempt Strategy: in the U.S.A., the fanatics organize operations of rescue to avoid that the programs are raised of the air. When the last year, Blue TV decided to raise ” Everything by two pesos “, a group of admirers of the humorous program organized a mediatic protest to revert the measurement. Beyond their good intentions and that today the cycle of humor is again in the air, their attempts failed. Perhaps, the reclamantes must take lessons from the North American fanatics, who perfectly handle the strategies that are needed to maintain in the air to their favorite programs. The efforts unfolded by the admirers of ” Popular “, ” Roswell “, ” Felicity ” and ” Young people and rebels ” before the possibility that their programs were raised would wake up the admiration of the most intelligent military estrategos. Like example, it is worth the printing that took in the studies Warner when to their doors arrived a shipment from tampones without using. Protest and at the same time strange tribute to one of the personages of ” Popular ” (Monday to 22, by Sony) whom in one of the chapters of the last season the mentioned article used to write the word helps in the floor of a bath in which it was locked up. As justification of so large charge, one of the fanatics assured that tampones served as it shows of the public who sees the program: young women with high income, one silverplates more than desirable for which they take care to sell the publicity spaces. The programmers made their accounts and, the last week, they confirmed that ” Popular ” he will follow in screen. Almost 1100 sauce bottles tabasco arrived from unexpected at those of the channel that emits ” Roswell “, (19,30 Wednesdays at, by Fox). Thus, the fanatics said present and left in band to buy the condimento, the favorite of the protagonists of the program. Roswellianos- therefore is made call the fanatics of the cic they have to its favor its age, a tempting characteristic for the chain that emits the series, that has difficulties to catch the adult public. As ” Roswell ” proved to be its key towards that segment, the foreign adolescents will have a new opportunity at the next months. Letters of love in cassette ” Loved Sally, I have many desire to begin the new season. A kiss, Felicity “. This text was listened to by all United States when the followers of the dramatic series (Tuesday to 22, by Sony), began to send cassettes to means and channels to avoid the cancellation of this program that, in its second year of life, did not obtain the awaited rating. Since the protagonist of the cycle usually confesses itself by means of recorded tapes, the method seems suitable. The pockets will have suffered, but the fanatics prevailed. Thanks to his insistence there are new chapters in production. Who they did not have as much luck was the spectators of ” Young people and rebels ” (Saturday to 22, by Fox). Although they managed to join money sufficient to publish a warning of protest in the influential Variety magazine, the program was raised. For those who undergo a deception similar to hers, the fanatics of the program left a legacy, a list of rules to follow in the case of wanting to call the attention of the executives of a channel. They recommend to write always by hand (more attention to written by hand texts is lent), completed expert in marketing, fans assure that he will help to the luck of his favorite program if in letters include personal data since those details will be very interesting for that it has to determine that type of public is interested in the program in danger. Nobody can assure that all these creative efforts are translated in an increase of the rating. The certain thing is that the fanatics are made hear and who its voice often finishes in a victory shout.


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