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Katherine Heigl Interview from New York Post

Thanks to Chaz for sending this in!

From: New York Post



Even before Katherine Heigl was cast as an alien on the WB’s sci-fi series “Roswell,” her destiny seemed written in the stars.
When she was 9, her aunt sent pictures of her to a modeling agency, and soon Katherine was featured in several department-store catalogs.

Three years later, she made her film debut in “That Night,” starring Juliette Lewis. And at 14, played Gerard Depardieu’s beautiful but bratty daughter in “My Father the Hero.” The New Canaan, Conn., native went on to star in “Under Siege 2” with Steven Seagal, appear on David Letterman and Jay Leno’s talk shows, and grace the cover of Seventeen magazine – all before graduating from high school.

Once she did, she moved out West to concentrate on acting full time. She has since starred in films as varied as “The Tempest” (opposite Peter Fonda) and “The Bride of Chucky.” In the spring, you can catch the 5-foot-8 blonde beauty on the big screen in “100 Girls.”

The 21-year-old actress lives in Los Angeles, where she shares a four-bedroom house with her manager mom.

Style & Substance

Q: What do you do to relax?

A: If I’m really motivated, I’ll do some yoga. Otherwise, I’ll just veg out and watch movies.

Q: What can’t you live without?

A: Prayer.

Q: What’s your workout routine?

A: It depends on my mood. Last summer, I did kickboxing three times a week, but I burned out. Now I do less extreme sports like walking, hiking and yoga.

Q: How do you take care of yourself?

A: If I know I need to relax, instead of going out on the weekend, I’ll do things like write in my journal and meditate.

Q: What are some of your favorite things?

A: My 2-year-old nephew’s laugh. The wind blowing. Fall in Connecticut.

Q: Favorite clothes?

A: I’m a huge Abercrombie & Fitch fan. I like their comfort and style and how they make me feel sporty.

Q: Favorite food?

A: Buttered egg noodles – and I mean half a cup of butter.

Q: Do you follow a special diet?

A: I did all of them. But now I go for healthy and organic, while keeping away from refined sugars and flours. I like beet juice and carrot juice, but I still love a good steak once in a while.

Q: Describe your personal style.

A: Pretty classic with as much sex appeal as I can tastefully throw in.

Q: What gives you substance?

A: My mother gives me depth. We get along and know each other really well.

Q: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

A: My defensiveness.

Q: What do you wear when relaxing?

A: A pair of cotton knit drawstring pants and a big cable knit sweater.

Q: What do you wear for a big night out?

A: Dress slacks and cashmere with boots.

Q: Do you have any special health tips?

A: I believe in health from the inside out. What you put in yourself is going to affectthe outside – emotionally and physically.

Q: What do you use to accessorize?

A: A silver watch or a ring or two.

Q: Whose style do you most admire?

A: Carole Lombard’s and Rita Hayworth’s.

Q: My closet is full of . . .

A: Slacks and blouses and shoes. I love shoes.

Q: Some would say I have too many . . .

A: Bath products. I have this huge metal tub full of bath products.

Q: Some would say I have too few . . .

A: Pieces of jewelry. I want more. I just don’t spend the time looking for any. People don’t even know my ears are pierced.

Q: What aspect of your style do your friends tease you about?

A: The Abercrombie obsession.

Q: What was your biggest fashion faux pas?

A: When I was 16, I wore this really beautiful Victor Alfaro leopard dress on the Jon Stewart show and it was a little too revealing.

Q: What would you love to own but would never buy for yourself?

A: I would love a fur stole to wrap around my neck like those old glamorous movie stars.

Q: If you had more free time, what would you do with it?

A: Spend it back East with my sister, nephew and father.

Q: What tips have you learned over the years from stylists?

A: Stick to the classics and things that work for you. Don’t try to be too funky and chill with the glitter.

Q: What don’t you ever leave home without?

A: My American Express card.


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