Julie BenzSupporting

3 Questions – Julie Benz

From Zap 2 It (Formerlly UltimateTV):

Julie Benz

She does this, she does that, and she’s the groovy talent that more plot and character description on The WB’s Roswell (blah blah day and time). We tracked down Julie in her Burbank condo for three quick ones over the phone…

Who’s Your Role Model?
Tori Spelling. I’d love to get a job in television without actually having to know how to act.

You’re trapped in an elevator. What music would you want to be stuck with?
REM. I used to date the bass player before he had a brain hemorrage

What’s up after Roswell quits production?
I’m doing a movie with Quentin Tarrentino, if we can get him off the vodka. Just kidding. I’ll actually be traveling to Spain with my boyfriend, a puppeteer. I speak Portuguese and love to cook.


Some backstory to this…UltimateTV REALLY is changing its name to Zap 2 It in May and we’re creating mock-ups for how the site will look and our editor did a fake transcript of 3 questions with Julie Benz and showed it to us on Wednesday. I showed it to Squanto and he thought it was funny enough to post and we agreed I’d post this on April Fools.