LeadingMajandra Delfino

Majandra Music Fans – Update

Thanks to Sheila for sending this to me.

Hey Majandra Music Fans

Update: Where are the fans? Have you all spread the news about “Majandra’s” music? Well the emails have stopped! What are Mr.Rodriguez and “Majandra” going think? That she has no fans, that no one like her music? Do we fans really want them to think that? No! So lets get the message out, “Majandra” Rocks! If your into NIN, Moby or Bjork, then you’re sure to love “Majandra”.

Info from Mr. Anthony Rodriguez

Well a while back I let it known that you could reserve Majandra’s upcoming CD to buy. Will now I’m letting you know what else is on the wire. Besides the autograph on the CD we are also offering free stuff to people who refer others to get M’s CD. All the people in The M Camp will have a reference number. When someone orders the CD online they will write the reference # of who told them about it. When someone refers 10 people they will get a free signed poster, after 25 you get a T-shirt after 50 you get a call from Majandra and after 100 you get a personalized Thank You video from her.

Also, don’t forget to spread the news. E-mails have slowed down to only 200!. Where are Majandra’s music fans? Show your love and request your CD at majandra@sci-filullaby.com or ultrahorse@earthlink.net today!
Thank YouMs.Sheila Limontas