Brendan FehrLeading

Very cool interviews: Brendan Transcript From CityTV

Thanks to Samantha. I’m not sure if the interview has been posted before but in case it has, here’s a refresher of it.


At they have a very cool website on everything Roswell. They have different sections like most sites: The Show: A complete Synopsis of show and episode guide; The Facts: Kind of like a Roswell dictionary of words, places and people you want to know about; The Alien Quiz – a fun quiz, is your friend an alien?; Gallery – All the new pictures of the WHOLE cast (all the teens), Contests….
BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ARE THE INTERVIEWS! They have nice LENGTHY INTERVIEWS with Brendan Fehr, Shiri Appleby, Katherine Heigl, Nick Wechsler, Majandra Delfino and Jason Behr. The are a little older, but there is a interview with Brendan STARtv, is newer.
Although it says 1999, he has that flat hair, it probably takes place into the Second season filming. A section of it was used for Canada’s 25 Most Beautiful Stars. If you watched it, or are going to, Majandra painted that huge Spider Man picture behind him!!! Check it out, they are really good interviews. Especially Brendan Fehr’s, it’s quite funny. I wrote the transcript for it below. Enjoy!

Caption: Los Angeles (show scenes of LA)
Caption: Brendan Fehr
*Brendan opens door to home*
Brendan: Hey. You guys know this is all set up anyways – we (gestures behind him) already had the interview (laughs) I’m Brendan (laughing and pointing again behind him) and this is done, they’re going home, but we’re just getting started so come on lets go (laughs) yes.
*Sitting down on bed*
B: I own a washer and dryer, and I, yeah I just actually managed to get all my laundry done yesterday
*Black screen and written in white letters Vancouver June 27, 1999 Doing laundry at his agents home*
B: This is my laundry (picking up shirt).
Guy in Background: Yeah sure.
B: Whatdaya mean ‘yeah sure’?
*cut scene*
B: Do I – do I do this? Uh, yeah (picking up something).
Caption: Construction sign, He now does his laundry at home
B: I do my own laundry, I like to, cuz when my mom did it when I was at home, it seemed she would always ruin something
*cut scene, picking up a pile of folded clothes*
B: Yeah. Yeah, right here. Here’s a pile.
GIB: Right
B: All nicely folded (whistles, showing off pile)
*scene from Roswell where Michael calls Pierce and P tells him not to contact him unless Max knows*
*sitting on bed again*
B: I’ve learned a lot. You’re wide-eyed about different stuff (*goes do a scene of Roswell where they had just finished shooting*)
B: The second season of Roswell, everyone has come back and they got a – everyone’s got a better attitude in it, but then they’re more mature about it, but we’re all kinda over the excitement of having you’re own series
*cut to scene of Roswell where Michael is running, trips and finds the first skin*
B: Oh yeah, as an actor, growth wise, it’s um, I think I’ve gotten better. I mean, I still suck – at times, um, but – yeah, no, uh, doing Roswell, um, you know, you – you know you work, you know, uh, nearly everyday, so – you know, if you’re paying attention and – and doing your job, you know, you can’t help – I mean you have to learn.
*cut to scene from the Much Music environment with screaming fans yelling “Brendan!” and holding signs saying “We (heart) Brendan Fehr*
B: (Garbled) you know, you find, in other areas, so…and like the premieres and all that stuff, it’s kind of, um, you know and the parties that you get invited to, it’s become kind of the – the norm, and you know, an- and, and I mean I don’t, you know, I don’t even go to that many parties, cuz they’re just, you know, a college party’s a lot more fun than a Hollywood party. You know what I mean? They just don’t – they just don’t realize it. Cuz everyone in the Hollywood parties are like (*caption with a music note, His fave band is Metallica*), (pause, looks to side) ‘is that guy famous, I dunno is that, uh, oh that guy’s famous but I can’t talk to him even though I’d like to cuz you know, he might be mean’. And so, you just stay, (points down and makes a little circle) whoever you came with
*cut to scene of ??? I think it’s David Duchovny*
*Caption, little picture of Daivid Duchovny’s head and it says, Some say he looks like David Duchovny*
B: So he walks in there and he’s getting his make-up done and he looks over at me, you know and he’s like ‘are you the kid that’s supposed to look like me?’ (laughs) You know? And I’m like, ‘that’s what they say’.
B: So, going up to him, it’s funny, because I know the – I know the questions I hate fans asking me (pause) but, they’re the questions I wanted to ask him. So you’re like, that’s really weird, cuz ya – I had a really hard time having a conversation with him because it’s someone you don’t know.
(*scene from the X-Files of David shielding his eyes to spaceship lights)
B: You know you can’t be like, ‘sooo, you know, how’s Tia?’ (laughs)
GIB: (laughs)
B: You know what I mean (laughing) because like, he’s not like your buddy, you know what I mean, so– it’s like weird question. He’s probably like, ‘what are you—?’ you know.
*scenes of his Spider Man, looks like inflatable doll and alien….a paperweight Spider Man.*
B: I’m a big Spider man fan (gesturing to a closet filled with Spider Man stuff, but there’s an Elmo doll there…what’s that about?)
*scenes of all his spider man stuff, posters, framed pictures*
B: This is my collection (referring to a wall piles of Spider Man toys and stuff against the wall, and a trash can of SM)
B: This is my uh, (opening closet and pulling out a SM COSTUME!!) my crime fighting costume. Well th-that’s uh, that’s my secret identity, so we just keep that all locked up.
Girl In Background: That is unbelievable. (referring to that giant SM poster behind him you see in Canada’s 25 Most Beautiful Stars)
B: (Turning around) That’s awesome. That, um, my – my costar and – and girlfriend painted that for me, um, Majandra from Roswell. She spent about three months on it.
*cut to scene of Roswell where Maria approaches Michael, saying she hears ex-cons are great in bed*
Caption: Little picture of star and cross, Brendan is a practicing Mennonite
B: I’m an actor, ah, you know. Who I portray is not who I am. Um, you know, so, you know, if I play a guy who’s gonna swear and shoot someone, then, I’m gonna swear and shoot someone, but that’s not Brendan Fehr, but —
*cut scene*
B: I don’t know how I do it, I just kinda, you know, if you feel good or not and, you know, I mean in the end, you know, when you’re – when you’re standing there, you can be you know, I can open his book and go ‘that’s a bad movie to do, man’ (laughs) but, you know, it’s not gonna, it’s – I – you know, it’s- it’s more of, you know, what’s in your heart and you know, how you live life and stuff like that, and, so it get’s in whole bunch of stuff, so, I don’t know I’m trying.