LeadingShiri Appleby

Shiri is at the cover story of Saippua Ooppera (Finland)

Thanks to Postman for sending this in

Main title says: Shiri Appleby: New Time Of Roswell..

Here is some mainpoints about the article:

Firts the article tells that there will be a new time for Liz at Roswell.. She will be more strong and ready for love. The article says that the same thing has happened for Shiri too and Shiri is ready for love and life at the real life too..

Then the article tells about that what changes is going to be at Roswell at this Season and how the season 3 will start.. That Liz and Max are back together and that they are rebelling agaist their parents and that Liz will gain some supernatural powers later that will but her and Max relationship under a new stage..

Then the article tells that Shiri and Majandra are good friends at real life too and spend a lot of time together.. Shiri likes to hear Majandra`s new songs and spend time with her together. They usually sing up for chat sessions on internet also together because it is more fun that way..

The last part of the article is very interesting it is about Roswell`s future at the moment:

It tells that UPN has not still decided what they will do with the serie. Even Shiri and other casts don`t know at the moment. Will the serie continue at autumn?? Shiri would like to continue acting Liz at Roswell.

What if they decide to end the serie?

S: Then I am going to try to get part at some other serie like before or go back to school. I was a second year student when I did start working on Roswell and all of my friends has already graduated. It could feel little strange to go back to school.

Then they tell that Shiri still is a schoon member at South California`s University. First she was at the acting line but changed it to english line now if she would return to school she would like to change to psychology line.