Jason BehrLeading

“Remnants” about to enter pre-production

Thanks to lyric from the Mediablvd.com Forums, we learned that Jason’s project “Remnants” is mentioned in a recent article on Moviehole. Jason Behr and Jena Malone are starring in this nuclear apocalypse movie as well as Shane West.


Remnants – A Jason Behr/Jena Malone-starring thriller, about to enter pre-production, that Eclectic Film Sales will be championing at the AFM. Behr’s presence doesn’t say much, but Malone’s does. Might it go theatrical?

In this sci-fi action-thriller, the nuclear apocalypse of World War 3 has ravaged Earth. Now for the few lucky survivors trapped in a rural Texas bomb shelter, life has become a dangerous game of life and death as they battle radiation sickness, hunger, and marauding gangs of violent refugees infected with a strange and terrible nuclear illness.

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Jason survived World War III in the Eclectic Film Sales, Inc. production “Remnants”, February 27th, 2009