LeadingWilliam Sadler

Watch “The Historian”

“The Historian” with William Sadler is now available on Amazon, iTunes, XBOX, Hulu, Google Play, Sony Playstation and others. In addition, the movie is available across American Cable in Movies on Demand. Please check your local listings.

William Sadler, Miles Doleac, Colin Cunningham and Jillian Taylor are starring. Please visit the official website and learn more about the independent movie: www.historianmovie.com

The Past is Present. Live With It.

Fleeing a personal tragedy, Dr. Ben Rhodes (Miles Doleac) takes a job at a new university, in a contentious department chaired by once-celebrated historian Valerian Hadley (William Sadler), who now fights to rekindle his fading career while caring for an elderly father (John Cullum) whose health fades faster by the day. Both feel a duty to impart the lessons of the past, even though they cannot seem to come to terms with their own histories. Further complicating matters is a promising but needy graduate student, Anna (Jillian Taylor), who worships one and is smitten with the other. This is a dark, funny, humane drama that puts academia under the microscope and finds a mirror of human nature.