
Celebrate the 13-Year Anniversary of “Graduation” With Us!

“The 13-year anniversary of “Graduation” is just around the corner. Get excited Roswellians! Starting on May 14th, we will kick-off the celebration with the first part of a brand-new fan-fiction by Helena:

Do you miss Max and Liz’s devotion to one another?

Do you love the reversed connection in the “Pilot” and the marriage proposal in “Graduation”?

Are you nostalgic for that pure loving energy they shared, and ache to relive the bond between two beautiful souls?

Do you want to return to Liz’s balcony for a while, to enjoy the company of your favorite characters?

I did, too! I loved watching the show and reading Melinda Metz’s series of books. In both mediums, Max and Liz gave us a masterclass in true love!

So I had to write a story about them. 100% canon. This story is for Dreamers who long to shut the noisy world out and immerse themselves in that beautiful love of Max and Liz.

Please follow Helena on Tumblr,, too. There you will find other great Roswell posts, too.

“Roswell” is something very special to us. Not just that we love the show, the characters and the fabulous actors, writers and people behind it – strong (fan-)friendships were made because of this unique series. Even years after the end of “Roswell” the show still has a loyal fanbase.

We share the excitement about new projects, we tweet about the show and virtually pass out everytime when an actor/writer replies or retweets via the social media, we get stoked every time a journalists asks the cast a “Roswell” related question etc.

Join us and contribute texts, gifs, wallpapers, photos, stories, fan-encounters to and celebrate “Roswell” and Liz and Max’s wedding anniversary.