
Join The THUNDER! – You want Sci-Fi? Tell SYFY!

Let’s make it easy: please tell @SYFY that B+T is an original show with a unique idea, suitable for not only TV viewers who enjoyed Roswell in their teens/early adulthood, but also for supporters of shows with sci-fi elements, and even those who just love a good character driven show with a centralized love-hate relationship — where everybody holds their collective breath waiting to see if those characters end up together. Watch the teaser, enjoy the promo, and afterwards, it’s your turn to express your desire to see that alien green light for this show to be made!

B+T needs your voice! Please go on social media, tagging @SYFY on Twitter and Facebook and sharing your enthusiasm for this show! Share the promo, tweet what you loved, share what you’d like to see, instagram a photo of your favorite scene–the sky’s the limit!

We turned to Thunderclap to share this message on not just Twitter but Facebook and Tumblr also. The pre-filled post will be scheduled to go out on October 31st at 12 PM EDT – one year after the release of the promo.

Join the THUNDER and notify your followers via your prefered social media outlet to join us.

If you love the promo you know that the show has a huge potential and it already has a huge fandom behind it. Let’s show what we can achieve, if we band together!

Read more and ‘why Syfy’:

You want Sci-Fi? Tell SYFY!