Katherine HeiglLeading

“27 Dresses“ – Happy Anniversary

It has been 10 years since “27 Dresses“ hit theaters. InStyle spoke with Katherine Heigl about the romantic comedy. Please head on over to www.instyle.com and read the full interview: Katherine Heigl Really Wants to Make a 27 Dresses Sequel—But with a Hilarious Twist

The actress also dedicated a social media post to the movie and added some promotional stills from the movie. She wrote:

It has been 10 whole years since I had the privilege of getting to be a part of one of my favorite projects 27 dresses! At the time I was a 28 year old gal planning her own wedding and wearing Invisalign to correct my snaggle teeth for the wedding pics. Now I am a 39 year old mother of three celebrating 10 years of marriage and letting my snaggle teeth make a comeback cause I ultimately liked them better that way. Good lord a hell of a lot can happen in 10 years! Happy 10 years 27 dresses! I had the time of my life being a part of your good old fashioned romantic frivolity and am so grateful to have had the experience, made the friends and kept the memories!