Colin HanksLeadingRoswell

Trivia On Alex’ Striptease Scene

Roswell fan Emma is currently rewatching “Roswell”. When she reached the episode “Suprise” and Alex Whitman’s hilarious striptease for Isabel, she wrote Colin Hanks and Katherine Heigl on Twitter.

“Oh, I’m crying! Alex was such a cutie! ❤️😂”, Emma tweeted along with a short clip from the scene.

Colin saw her message and he replied: “Here’s a story. Not the music I chose. They asked and I picked Quad City DJ’s “C’mon ‘N Ride It (The Train)”. They got it for broadcast but not for DVD’s. Try and Pink Floyd/Wizard of Oz that thing…and ride it up. Also, all my choreography.”

Thanks for sharing Colin!

For The WB Colin did a short commentary with even more trivia. Please watch it here:

Watch » Colin Hanks Commentary
“…I wasn’t really wearing a g-string…”

Listen » Quad City DJ’s – C’mon N’ Ride It (The Train)
Album: Get up and dance (1996)
Music: Spotify | Apple

Check out the music guide for more information on the music in this episode: #203 Surprise – Music

Find out Where To Watch? Roswell and be sure to share your memories with us!