Baron And Toluca

The B+T Pilot Will Be Online ASAP

Edited by Tina

On Friday, Brendan and Majandra mailed an update to all their Indiegogo supporters. While the ATX TV Festival attendees and Virtual Pass Holders had the chance to watch the B+T Pilot on June 3rd, 2022 in Austin, the two co-creators are answering one of the most asked questions since. “First off, we know. We’ve heard you. ‘When will “Baron and Toluca” be available?’ And we are working very hard on that and we thank you for your patience,” they wrote.

They reveal that they are currently working on fixing some technical stuff. In addition, they have one more sound session early next week and will be finishing it. And after that?

“After that, we’ll put it all together and get up online for you to watch as soon as possible. We can’t wait to show you all,” Majandra and Brendan continued. And if you are wondering now what you need to do to be able to watch it, we are giving you this answer right away: Fans who are part of the crowd-funding via Indiegogo will be able to see the pilot, if the perk you bought includes the “Top Secret Code/link to B+T” option, which starts with the 10$ perk “FOR DAN’S EYES ONLY”.

Their update also includes Paris, which is another thing they can’t wait for. Meeting other fans and chatting about the pilot after its European premiere sounds awesome, right? Please head on over to the website of the event and browse through our news archive. Get your tickets for the B+T Event in Paris now and check out the perks that are available. You can join the actors and show creators for a multi-day experience on all things Baron + Toluca. Please visit for all the details. There, you will get a first glimpse at the exclusive merchandise that was solely created for this occasion too.

The actors added a little goodie to their newsletter and thanked all the fans for their support with some behind the scenes footage of filming Baron and Toluca!

Check out the AlienAdvocates Cold Open as well, if you haven’t seen it already!

Photos by BARON + TOLUCA, Kari Shea on Unsplash + “Dans in Paris” website.