LeadingMajandra Delfino

Spanish People – Majandra

Thanks so much to GlitterPixie85 for this :)

Majandra Delfino is in the September issue of People en Espanol with Oscar de la Hoya on the cover. As you probably know, the magazine is in Spanish so I took the liberty of personally translating this article in AltaVista, which took about an hour. If some parts don’t really make sense it’s the site, not me, it is readable though. Majandra is on pages 125-128, beautiful pictures.

Here is the article. Spanish Version:

Alma celestial y ropa terrenal. Las propuestas de moda de SULLY BONNELLY
están dirigidas a una mujer de acción cuya mente tenga alas

La actriz del programa Roswell (WB), Majandra Delfino, luce una túnica de
lentejuelas caleidoscópicas y pantalón marrón en jersey mate. “Me gustan las
piezas de manga larga en lentejuela con pantalaones de cuero”, dice Bonnelly.
“Me parecen súper de moda”.

En la corte de Sully Bonnelly, las chicas parecen protagonistas de una serie
televisiva de los setenta, pero con elementos ultra modernos. “Es lo que se
pondrían los Ángeles de Charlie en el 2000”, afirma categóricamente Bonnelly
sobre su nueva colección. De hecho, se trata de la continuación de una
tendencia más joven que marcó para primavera. “The New York Time dijo que
aquella colección era las disco divas del nuevo milenio”, agrega el disenador
dominicano de 40 anos. Lo cierto es que este ex asistente de Oscar de la
Renta ha dado en el clavo con sus vestidos de exuberante sensualidad y, sobre
todo, con su filosofía para vestir de gala. “A mí me gustan mucho los
separados de noche”, dice el creador. “Mi consumidora puede comprar un modelo
de tres piezas y coordinarlo”. Por si esto fuera poco, las prendas vienen
hasta la talla 16 ó 18 y pueden encortrarse en unos 20 países. La única
restricción es que la clientela vibre envuelta en sus disenos. “Mi ropa
sencillamente refleja su alegría de vivir”, concluye Bonnelly, “de eso se

Delfino lleva como una diosa este conjunto en jersey mate color piel. “La
idea del jersey mate es la misma que la T-Shirt”, afirma Bonnelly. “Pero
utilizado de una manera más rica y sendual”. Delfino sostiene la falda del
vestido largo en seda azul marino con forro cobalto. “Estoy haciendo los
vestidos negros forrados en otro tono”, comenta Bonnelly, “para que [la
mujer] se vaya adaptando al color”.

Delfino luce espléndida con esta vestido en brocado suizo. “En la colección
otono-invierno quería que las mujueres se vieran como doradas”, dice
Bonnelly. “Por eso las telas tienen como una iridiscencia ámbar”.

Translated into English:

-Celestial core and terrenal clothes. The proposals fashionable of SULLY
BONNELLY are directed to an action woman whose mind has wings.

-The actress of the Roswell program (WB), Majandra Delfino, shines a túnica
of kaleidoscopic spangles and brown trousers in jersey kill. ” I like the
pieces of long spangle sleeve with pantalaones of leather “, says Bonnelly. ”
they seem to Me super fashionable “.

-In the cut of Sully Bonnelly, the girls seem protagonists of a series
televising of the seventy, but with modern elements extreme. ” It is what the
Angels of Charlie in the 2000 would put themselves “, categorically affirms
Bonnelly on its new collection. In fact, one is the continuation of one more
a tendency younger than it marked for spring. ” The New York Time said that
that divas collection was them disc of the new millenium “, it adds the
Dominican disenador of 40 anuses. The certain thing is that this ex-
assistant of Oscar of the Rent has hit the nail on the head with his dresses
of exuberante sensuality and, mainly, with its philosophy to dress in full
dress. ” To me I like much the separated ones at night “, says the creator. ”
My consumer can buy a model of three pieces and to coordinate it “. In case
this outside little, the articles come until stature 16 or 18 and can be
encortrar in about 20 countries. The only restriction is that the customer
vibrates surrounded in her disenos. ” My clothes simply reflect its joy to
live “, conclude Bonnelly, ” that is “.

-Delfino takes as a joint east goddess in jersey kills color skin. ” the idea
of the jersey kills is the same one that the T-Shirt “, affirms Bonnelly. ”
But used of one more a richer and sendual way “. Delfino maintains to the
skirt of the long dress in silk navy blue with lining cobalt. ” I am doing
the covered black dresses in another tone “, comments Bonnelly, ” so that [
the woman ] is adapted to the color “.

-Delfino shines splendid with this dress in Swiss brocade. ” In the
collection otono-winter wanted that mujueres was seen like gilded “, Bonnelly
says. ” For that reason the fabrics have like a iridicencia amber “.