Work, Life & Balance: Diane Farr spoke with Diane Farr about work, life and balance.
Ever wonder how you can balance it all as a mom? This is one interview in a series talking to moms who have found a way to make it work. Meet Diane Farr, actress, writer and mom to Beckett (4), and twins Coco and Sawyer (2).
When not hopping from city to city or doing a media blitz to promote her latest book, “Kissing Outside the Lines,” Diane Farr kicks back from the whirlwind of celebrity life by cleaning or listening to the babbling of her three little ones, only 16 months apart. That kind of old-fashioned stress relief is in sharp contrast to her glamorous Hollywood life with star roles on “Californication,” “Rescue Me,” “Numb3rs,” and MTV’s “Loveline.” These days, motherhood is her biggest challenge. Not one to let an opportunity pass, Diane has squeezed in another project – channeling her mommy frustrations and mishaps into entertaining fodder for her nationally syndicated newspaper column. With multiple balls in the air, Diane has become a master at juggling.
Check out Work, Life & Balance: Diane Farr on Momtastic and read the interview which comes along with a lovely family picture. On her official Facebook page, Diane added with a wink and smile.