Roswell – Encyclopedia

“Roswell” from A to Z. Please beware of spoilers, if you are watching The WB/UPN show for the first time.

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There are currently 12 entries in this directory beginning with the letter D.
Dave was introduced to Brandy by bride Tracy in Las Vegas. He is the groomsman and after the wedding he celebrates with the bridal couple and maid of honor Brandy Alexander in the luxury hotel room Dr. Love rented.
Submitted by: Lena

Davis, Brody
The new owner of the UFO Center, the museum in Roswell, is a millionnaire made by the internet. He came to Roswell, because he thinks that aliens abducted him several times. With ultra-modern equipment, he researches the universe and looks out for aliens. The truth is that the alien Larek is using his body in regular intervals to communicate with his people on Earth. Brody was married and he has a daughter named Sydney. She lives with her mother but comes to visit her dad especially at christmas.
Submitted by: Lena

Davis, Sydney
The little daughter of Brody Davis lives, since the divorce of her parents, with her mother. Sydney has cancer. At the night before Christmas she get's very sick and her dad brings her to the hospital. It's a Christmas miracle that she and some other children get healed from their illness.
Submitted by: Lena

Delany, Vicky

DeLuca, Amy
Many of Maria’s new age philosophies come from her mother, Amy, a former hippie. Amy is a single mother who does many odd jobs to support herself and Maria. So far we have learned that she makes and sells alien swizzle sticks, alien blow up dolls and pies, organizes alien take-down wrestling matches for the UFO conventions and sells herbs in her shop. Her romantic involvement with Sheriff Valenti is unsettling to her daughter Maria. Does he really care for Amy or is he just using her to find out what she knows about Max, Isabel and Michael. Amy has had many failed relationships in the past (including Maria’s father) and Maria does not want to see her get hurt again.
Submitted by: Joan

DeLuca, Maria
Maria DeLuca grew up as an only child. Her parents got divorced, when Maria was a little girl. She is Liz Parker’s best friend and co-worker at the Crashdown Café and the second human to learn the aliens’ secret. Maria is funny, flaky and quirky and provides much of the comic relief for the show. Her solution for most problems involves herbs or some “new age” mysticism. Maria is a very passionate individual who is not afraid to speak her mind. When she was eleven years old she spent the summer in a songwriter workshop camp. Together with her best friend Alex and his band "The Whits", she got some stage experience and performed with them on stage of a local radio show's special. Her relationship with Michael is a textbook case of opposites attracting. When they are together, sparks fly; both the bickering kind and the romantic. When Michael’s fears cause him to push her back she responds with an “I’m teflon babe” attitude, as if the hurt just slides right off, which in reality it doesn’t. So, when Michael does something sweet and endearing, she once more gets “sucked into the alien abyss”.
Submitted by: Joan; Updates by Lena

DeLuca, Sean
Sean is a cousin of Maria, and he is the black sheep of the family. He was in youth prison but came out on probation. He is a calm person and it seems that Liz had a crash on him when she was a little girl. He comes back to Roswell and lives together with Maria and his aunt. A a small romance develps between him and Liz. Because of Liz, he even gambles with his probation because he helps her to find out the reason of Alex death.
Submitted by: Curly

See 'Astrodome' and 'Atherton'


Duff, Agent
Agent Duff of the FBI determines against Sheriff Jim Valenti in the case Laurie Dupree.
Submitted by: Lena

Dupes, The
The Dupes are the Doppelgänger of the four aliens. Zan, Ava, Lonnie and Rath were in the first pod set that has been created. The protector put their pods in New York's underground. Like Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess they are half alien, half human hybrids. The difference between the two sets: The Dupes live out their alien part.
Submitted by: Lena

DuPree, Laurie
Technically, Laurie DuPree is the "grandchild" of Michael Guerin. Her grandpa was the donor of the human gene material of Michael. Due to the huge heritage and parentless her aunt and uncle get her into a psychiatry, but she's not mentally disordered just different. She has a gen defect which is very rare.
Submitted by: Lena