Roswell – Encyclopedia

“Roswell” from A to Z. Please beware of spoilers, if you are watching The WB/UPN show for the first time.

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There is currently 1 entry in this directory beginning with the letter N.
The alien Nasedo was one of the protectors and on the spaceship, when it crashed in 1947. He is a shapeshifter. His duty: to protect the royal four. After the crash he might have gotten help from the Native American tribe Mesaliko in New Mexico. He befriended River Dog and the name Nasedo means “visitor” in the tribes language. As Ed Harding he took care of Tess. Later it turns out that he was confederate with Kivar. Tess ought to conceive a child from Max and the plan was that because of this, the four aliens would go back to Antar and they'd be committed to the enemy.
Submitted by: Lena