LeadingWilliam Sadler

Sadler Directs Roswell (some spoilers)

Thanks to Marylin for sending this in.

From SciFi wire:

William Sadler, who plays former sheriff Jim Valenti on UPN’s teen-alien series Roswell, told SCI FI Wire that he recently stepped behind the camera to direct an upcoming episode that will feature the return of a familiar character. “I have been asking to direct an episode of Roswell since season one,” Sadler said in an interview. “I think they are going to be very happy with what they got. We came in on time and on budget with a good show. I think they’re going to wish we had started this in year one. I’d be a seasoned old director by now.”

Sadler also offered the spoiler that the episode, “Four Aliens and a Baby,” will deal with the return of the fourth alien, Tess, portrayed by Emilie DeRavin. “I don’t want to spoil it for people but I think it’s all right to say that a character whose name starts with T comes back,” he said. At the end of last season, Tess left Earth in a family way after seducing fellow alien Max Evans (Jason Behr). Now she is back, and she’s not alone.

“Four Aliens and a Baby” will be the 17th episode of Roswell’s current season. It may also turn out to be one of the last, given that a fourth year for the seemingly always-on-the-bubble series remains in doubt. “I know there are rumors flying around about a fourth season,” Sadler said. “I heard a rumor a while back about a film–a Roswell movie–but I’m not holding my breath. Everybody seems to be going on with their lives. … I mean, you always do this in television, because you can never count on [the future].”

For first time director Sadler, the experience was both educational and harrowing at times. “This episode that I do, we have dogs, we have babies, we have green screen, we have stunts and special effects and huge scenes with all of the actors in them,” he said. “There were moments there when I was way over my head and had to turn to the people around me and say, ‘You’re going to have to help me with this one.'” Though Sadler welcomed the challenge, he admitted that he would have preferred a less complicated script for his directing debut. “They chose this episode for me. I would have chosen one where two people sit in an apartment and talk for 40 minutes.”

Regardless of the show’s fate, Sadler said that he would like to continue directing if given the opportunity. “It’s fabulous. Once you’ve faced each and every one of these challenges, there can never be another first time for it. You’ve done it already. So it’s not going to be unfamiliar territory anymore.” After a two-month hiatus, Roswell returns with new episodes at 9 p.m. ET/PT April 30. “Four Aliens and a Baby” is scheduled to air May 14.