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Tom Hanks about “TGBH” and Colin’s acting

The article “Hanky panky” by Steve Pratt includes some lines about “The Great Buck Howard”. Tom Hanks reveils, that Colin found the script. In addition he talks about his sons acting:

His son, Colin Hanks, has followed him into acting.

Soon theyll be seen playing father and son in a film called The Great Buck Howard, set to premiere soon at the Sundance Film Festival. Colin found the script. I read it and said theres a role for a cranky father, Ill do it. Colins like dad just wanted to do this so he can yell at me over the breakfast table, he says.

I dont see myself in him when hes acting. I see this professional I know, this friend of mine whos in the movie. Ive felt that ever since I saw him do high school plays. Hes 14,15,16 and Im just a guy going to a school play and thinking oh my, hes doing it. Now hes more successful than I was at 30. Hes a good guy.

The full article can be found on