Colin HanksLeading

“The Great Buck Howard” clip with Colin Hanks

USA Today has found 10 movies that stand out at this years Sundance Film Festival in Utah. Among these selected films: “The Great Buck Howard”.

Read what they say about the film with Colin Hanks and John Malkovich:

The Great Buck Howard Whom it’s for: Showbiz fans, psychics with blind spots.

The story: A law-school dropout (Colin Hanks) gets a job in Hollywood as personal assistant to a semi-well-known psychic entertainer (John Malkovich) who insists he’s not a magician — he’s a mentalist! Mounting a comeback is easier said than done as the arrogant has-been clashes with his new hire. “He’s kind of a strange man. He really lives for his public, I suppose,” Malkovich says. “He’s quite crabby at times. Quite fake, often — but also sort of funny, in a very childish, sort of narcissistic way.”

Of note: Colin’s father, Tom, in a cameo as the young man’s cranky dad.

Besides other film descriptions you can watch a scene with Colin and John on