#RoswellBack – Thank You Letter

I have said it before and I will say it again- THERE IS NO FAN LIKE A ROSWELL FAN! Ever since the ending of our beloved show in 2002, 14 years later, we are still talking about it, tweeting about it, writing fan fiction about – anything to make it immortal.
Roswell was one of those few shows that transcended generations, all types of people, and captured the hearts of millions with its unique ability to intrigue and inspire those who watched it.
Not surprisingly the fan base has not only increased since the show first came on to WB, but the belief of a return has not once deterred; in fact that desire to have a Roswell Reboot or Revival (whatever you may call it) has only increased 10 fold for more than a decade.
Debby and I would like to take the time to personally thank all those who watched our Mission Tweet Video. Our goal was to make it emotional and pull on the heartstrings of not only old and new fans, but the cast and crew as well. Giving credit where credit is due is very important us and we feel very thankful for the support it got.
The video is still up if you like to watch it and can be viewed here: MISSION – TWEET on APRIL 15th 2016 TO BRING ROSWELL BACK!!
We want to thank all of those that followed suit as stated in the video and Tweeted on Friday April 15th at Midnight to Netflix and Jason Katim’s that “WE WANT #RoswellBack”. It’s important that they know our love for Roswell hasn’t ceased nor ever will.
Special thanks to all those twitter newbies that opened an account just for this purpose! GO YOU! It’s exciting to be part of a new trend isn’t it?
We view Tweets as modern day tabasco bottles that were once sent in to FOX which got us the show to come on season after season. We hope those that are new to twitter will be there to Tweet for the next one and the ones that will come after.
We have opened a new twitter account so you can stay abreast of all Twitter Campaigns for a Roswell Revival… and really all things about bringing Roswell Back :) Follow @roswellback for all the inside info! The link to the account can be found here: www.twitter.com/roswellback
Special shout out Lena from www.Crashdown.com. Your website has been a beacon to many old and new fans of the show and we thank you of your support and supplying for us a steady platform to build a foundation on.
Deborah Kizzah (follow her on https://twitter.com/DeborahAKizziah) wrote our beloved mission tweet in 104 languages to spread the news to all our fellow Roswell Fans World Wide.
Thank you to all of you that joined the bandwagon and those that missed it don’t worry! On April 29th we will be tweeting again. This time the #RoswellBack Mission Tweet Campaign Video could star you! So tell us why you love Roswell and you just may see your quote in the video.
Time, details, on the next #RoswellBack Mission Campaign will be shown in the video so stay tuned.
Again many thanks for your support and let’s keep fighting till the end!
Nomi Loveletters
Co-Admin of Bring Roswell Back – Join our Facebook Group!