FanArtFriday – Show Us Your B+T Fanart
Added by Lena and Mireya
Attention fans & dans, creative Roswellians, Fehrians, Pixie Chicks and fans of paranormal mysteries and Sci-Fi!
On Fridays fans post their creative fandom related work. Let’s get creative and spread the word about our Baron And Toluca Twitter Campaign, which takes place on Saturdays at 6 PM EST. Are you on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and/or Facebook? Post your original Baron And Toluca related artwork on that platforms, add the hashtags #FanArtFriday and #BandTfanart in order that many other fans discover your art, get curious about it and join us on Campaign Day. Please don’t forget to tag @crashdowncom in your photo or post. If your account is private, please send us the graphic via direct message on your prefered social media site.
Your post should include this information only:
Join us on Sat. at 6 PM EST when we let Netflix know that WE WANT B+T! #FanArtFriday #BandTfanart
Please don’t add the campaign hashtag and please don’t add Netflix to your posts and tweets. It’s all about getting the word out about the campaign, which takes place on the next day: Saturday at 6 PM EST.

Please see @TeflonBabe‘s artwork, which promotes the campaign perfectly. Of course you can freely choose the content and topic of your artwork. Post GIF animations, sketches, … get creative and everyone excited about the project! See some tips from Mireya below.
We will pick four graphics and tweet them during the campaign on Saturday at 6 PM EST. (A page with the embedded tweets will be up simultaneously on, so that fans can easily find it and retweet. See a sample here.)
After the start of the Twitter campaign everyone is invited to vote with a click on the heart button (Twitter users ONLY!). Voting is open until Sunday night. After that you can still retweet and like the tweets, but the likes don’t count anymore.
Make sure to let your friends know about this and please ask them to support your submission and the B+T campaign. The artwork with the most “likes” will be featured on and its social media handles: Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
Post your submissions on Fridays with the hashtag #FanArtFriday and #BandTfanart.
You can submit
- Digital graphics
- GIF’s or GIF sets
- photos of paintings
- sketches
- computer drawn illustrations
- … or other artwork
Where We Will Look Out For Your Artwork: Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
Rules & Info
- fanart should be related to B+T
- make clear that it’s not a Roswell fanart and add “B+T” or “Baron And Toluca” somewhere in the graphic
- if the hashtag #NETFLIXforBandT or Netflix finds a way into your graphic, that would be awesome
- When you post your artwork one your favorite platforms (or on all of them!) on Fridays please write this in your post or tweet: Join us on Sat. at 6 PM EST when we let Netflix know that WE WANT B+T! #FanArtFriday #BandTfanart
- don’t add the campaign hashtag or Netflix
- please submit your own original artwork, only
- if you won last weeks contest, feel free to post your fanart again next week, but please note that it just has the chance to be picked in the top 4 after one week
- if we don’t receive enough submissions, we might pic another graphic you posted earlier
- your artwork did not make it into the top 4? Post it again next Friday for another chance
- you can submit as many fan art entries as you want
- voting starts on Saturdays until Sunday
- the winner will be announced on Mondays
If you’ve got a private account, share your post with your friends on Fridays only, but make sure to send in your artwork via direct message or e-mail! Otherwise we can’t see your submission. On Facebook you can change the settings for this single post to “public”, if you like to in order that we are able to find it. Instagram has a direct message function, we’d recommend you to use for submitting your work in case that your account is private.
Some tips from Mireya
Get inspired by what you would like to see on B+T, or with the photos Majandra and Brendan have posted so far on the official Baron And Toluca website. Create AU scenarios (alternate universe) or include your favorite characters from Roswell that you would like to see guest starring and show who this person would be?
Download a PNG

Q: Where can I vote?
A: After tweeting the four selected art works on Saturday, everyone is asked to retweet ALL of them and to vote with a click on the like (heart) button.
Q: Why can I just vote on Twitter? [Changed on September 10th] A: We will add the campaign hashtag along with the art work. The more retweets the tweet gets, the more fans and potential fans are going to see the submission and might join the campaigning on Twitter. In addition, a huge amount of retweets can help to make to hashtag go viral.
Starting on September 10th, there will be a poll on as well. So that visitors without a Twitter account can also support the artists work.
Q: I am on Twitter and Facebook, but not on Tumblr?
A: If you have an account on Twitter and Facebook, share your work on this social media sites, only.
Q: Can I post my submission on all platforms?
A: Yes you can!
Q: But I want Netflix to see my graphic. Why can’t I add it in the #FanArtFriday tweet or post?
A: On Friday it is all about fan creativity and spreading the word about the campaign on Saturday. Post your graphic on Saturday at 6 PM EST again and make sure to add Netflix then and the campaign hashtag.
Q: Can I submit video clips, too?
A: Sure! Make sure to add the hashtags #FanArtFriday and #BandTfanart to your posts and please tag @crashdowncom!