Jason BehrLeading

Important Message from Jason Behr, on his official site

Thanks to Sublime Muffin for sending this in! This message appears on jason’s site jasonbehr.com regarding the SAG strike. There is a button for you to send an email also!

A MESSAGE TO MY FANS- from Jason Behr

I have been so blessed in having fans such as you and I am truly fortunate to be one of the few actors who can gladly go to work and come into your homes every week. Most actors are not this fortunate. Most work long and hard just to get an audition which may or may not lead to a job that lasts only a few days each year. Currently the performers’ unions of SAG and AFTRA are on strike, fighting for a better commercial contract. While the advertising agencies are posting record earnings for the last few years, they are proposing drastic cuts in pay to the working actor. The contract they have offered proposes an approximate 50% wage cut. Who could possibly survive on such a reduction in salary?

It is the working class actor that is being affected by this cutback. I’m not talking about the highly paid stars whose salaries are so well publicized, but the average guy with a family to support who is just trying to get by. These are the actors whose names you might not know, but whose faces may be as familiar as that of an old friend.

If this strike continues it could ultimately carry over into a television & film strike as well. This means that during that time I would no longer be able to come into your home everyday in new episodes of my show. I am asking you as a fan and a consumer to write to the companies that pay these advertisers to make their commercials and let them know that you do not support products that are advertised using nonunion scabs.

Thank you for your help and support in this matter.


not an active member anymore.