
Roswell Around The World Update

As you can see, I am behind in checking the mail I get at times. Thanks to Kirsten for sending this in from Sweden


I was reading your “Roswell round the world” news article
and thought I would let you know, in case you didn’t already,
that “Roswell” can be seen in Sweden on TV4 on Friday evenings
at 17h05. We’re up to episode nine (“Heat Wave”) which will
air tonight. (Oct. 20)

Thanks to Hanna for this


ust wanted to give you the ratings for the last three episodes.

Riverdog: 170 000
Blood brothers: 153 000
Heatwave: 170 000

We’ve started a campaign over at to try to make TV4 change the air time and to make them promote the show more. We’ve started a mail-campaign and we will move on to tabasco bottles if they don’t respond. :-) Sweden believe in Roswell! :-)

Thanks to Nicholas for sending in this update from Singapore. Please help out if you can :)

Earlier this year, the 1st Roswell season came to an end here in Singapore. It was very widely watched for its first 5 weeks but later on, a Mandarin serial drama was aired simultaneously on another channel, distracting the viewers. As Singapore is 70% a Chinese population, it wasn’t unusual for them to want to watch the Mandarin serial, especially since most Mandarin serials only last one season (40~50) Episodes.

Also, Roswell’s timeslot was at 11.00 p.m., too late for kids below 16, who have to sleep early to prepare for school at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. As we all know, the largest demography for Roswell are girls ages 13 to 17. The late timeslot crippled the show’s success. Unlike Buffy which also airs at 11.00 p.m on another day, Roswell was a new series that needed a good timeslot to build a fan base first. Buffy on the other hand is already widely known so even in a late timeslot, it works out fine. In addition to the bad timing, the network invested a lot to produce local dramas and comedies which flood the prime timeslots from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Due to the circumstances, Roswell’s viewer decreased greatly and the recent news is that the network will not be bringing the new season in. In their recent draft schedule for the first quarter of 2001, there is no indication of Roswell being aired and this troubles the fans in Singapore as by then, the 2nd season of Roswell will be over and there will be little if no chance of getting to network to bring in the season.

How is this possible you may ask? Well, even though the Television Corporation of Singapore is the best TV telecaster in Asia, being in Asia means that we have to juggle local and international shows. The ratio is 2:9 (Local:International) and with the limited timeslots that they allot for international shows, only the most renown and famed shows will ever reach our shores. ‘The Practice’ is a good example: The network only aired the show from its 2nd season as it was not very famous in the 1st season. If there is another season to show, the network will NEVER pick up the older seasons, even if it was never shown here. That is to say that they may show Roswell is future if it is famous , but they will just skip onto Season 3 or 4 without showing Season 2. That would be a tragic loss to the Roswell Fans in Singapore.

Please lend your support, even if you are not familiar to our country. Roswell Singapore needs your help. You can do so my mailing a message to the network ‘TCS5’. Please be polite rather than rude as it is not their fault that they have to be selective, I just pray that with your help, they will select Roswell Season 2 for the line-up next quarter.

The 2 email addresses of TCS5 are: (Pls CC your mails to both addresses)

Thanx so much for your support

Save Roswell Singapore Campaign

Thanks to maria_prue for letting me know about this

i just want to let you know that not all people get Roswell on the WBat 900 on mon. people in the colombus, oh broadcasting area get it on saturdays at 700. All the scheduling is just messed up for us.