
Around The World Update


Thank you so much to everyone who continues to send in updates from around the world :) It’s a great way to keep in contact about how the show’s doing in other countries and parts of the world. If there is anyone else who has information from any place or country that may or may not have been covered yet, please feel free to send in an update and I will post it as soon as I can :) Please don’t be too concerned about if the English may not be that well-I’m sure my English isn’t the best either (and I’m from the U.S. too ;) )

I am a huge Roswell fan and I feel blessed that the show is on Dutch
A week ago I was all stressed, Fox (the company that is broadcasting
Roswell), anounced after the final show of the season that it was the last
show they would be airing. Now lucky enough they started the show all over
again, so it is the old show again. So now I have to make Roswell populair,
because the ratings are very bad. In the meanwhile I’m wachting the first
season again, it is still good!

Lots of love from Caroline from Holland (The Netherlands)


My name is Germ?n (currently –Max-Arg– in Fanforum) and I’m a 100% Roswell fan from Argentina, at the bottom of America. I have some news for you about Roswell in latin america.
As you may know Roswell airs on Canal Fox every Wednesday 7:30p.m. and re-runs on Thursday 1a.m., Sunday 2p.m. and next Wednesday 12p.m. (of course, later at 7:30p.m. the next episode airs). Destiny premiered on October 11th in Canal Fox, the next week they re-ran The Balance and from the next Monday they started airing Buffy the vampire slayer from Monday to Friday at 7:30p.m. for two weeks, this is from Monday October 26th to this Friday, November 3rd. On November 6th, the same thing will happen with Roswell! This means that from Monday 6th to Friday 17th Roswell will air Monday to Friday 7:30p.m. in a selection of the best episodes. After that I guess that Fox will return to its normal time table and Roswell will come back to its weekly air time. I hope that on March 2001 we will have Season 2 around here. I have to tell you that this is for all latin america.
See ya soon for more updates!


my name is kayana and I am from france, I read that Roswell can be seen in sweden, did you know that roswell can be seen in france too?, I think that’s a great show, and it’s a pleasure to see it each week, here, we have seen thursday “heatwave”, when I think that in are already watching
the second season!, it seems so far from now…I love the character of Maria & michael. I just wanted to say that, I want to apologize about my mistakes, english is a little bit difficult.