LeadingWilliam Sadler

The Brand Spanking new Bill Sadler Forum

If you haven’t noticed yet, we launched the William Sadler forum last night. This one is a little different than most of the other actor forums (other than Brendan’s anyway) because it is kind of meant to be the official Sadler site’s (williamsadler.com place on Fan Forum.

Ms Carolyn (the webmaster from Wild on the Web) and sozment (who is very involved with all things Bill related) are the mods of the board.

Everyone at FF and crashdown are very happy to finally have a William Sadler board in place. We didn’t have one before because the official site (who has been a crashdown affiliate for quite awhile) has its own UBB message board. But now things seem right with Mr V, having a place here too.

So go over and check it out if you haven’t done so yet. Goldenboy did his usual great job with the graphics, and the forum is hopping!

You can get there either from the male celeb link on the main Fan Forum page, or by going to:
