Roswell Goes Comic – Interview With Velm
Just nine minutes after we shared our article Roswell Looks Amazing in Velm’s Comic Style, William Sadler reacted to the tweet which featured Velm’s digital painting of the cast in front of the Crashdown Café – but transformed to their comic-selfs. His comment about Velm’s creative interpretation: “Very cool.”
In addition, the authors of the Roswell High book series Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns liked the tweet as well as Aaron Harberts, who was a co-producer and writer on Roswell. (ICYMI: He is the showrunner of CBS’ AllAccess upcoming “Star Trek: Discovery” alongside Gretchen J. Berg.) Harberts commented on the tweet and shared “So proud to have been a part of this show.” Shiri Appleby is currently directing the fourth episode of Lifetime’s season 3 of “UnREAL”. With her latest Roswell and cast related Instagram posts she showed her love for the show just recently and she took a moment to retweet the post to her followers as well.
The breath of fresh air via the artwork brought back some nostalgia. “Ohmygod look at this! #Roswell has to come back. It HAS to!”, wrote Eve on Twitter. While we are planning our next #RoswellRewatch now (sadly not on Netflix), we had the chance to talk to Velm before her appearance at FantastiCon in Montreal on April 2nd, 2017. You can find more information on the event here and on her artist site for the convention.
Our topics was “Roswell” – of course, we asked Velm if she thought “Roswell” could have lived on through the world of comics, what she thinks about Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr’s project “Baron And Toluca,” and we asked what the chances are that we are going to see a digital painting with B+T soon. On a side note: If you want to see B+T on your TV screens, please show your support by sending Netflix a letter. Mission C.I.N.D.Y. accepted?
Now, please enjoy our interview and please make sure to leave a comment below!
Interview With Velm
Are you a Roswell fan right from the start or did you discover the show later?
Yes, I am! In Québec, the first episode aired in 2001 on VRAK.TV (a French Canadian channel). I remember sitting in front of my TV, hypnotized. I knew right away that it was going to be an amazing show. None of my friends at the time watched it (they were all about Buffy and Dawson). I didn’t understand why Roswell was that underrated and unknown. It’s sad. I actually found a drawing I did back then; I was 13.
Have you heard about Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr’s project Baron And Toluca? What do you think about the promo? What are the chances that we are going to see a digital painting with B+T?
Yes! What a wonderful project! I’m totally excited by the idea of seeing Majandra and Brendan back together on screen. The trailer is promising. I hope Netflix goes through with the project. And now that you mention it, I will be happy to do a digital painting to support them (in April I guess).
Buffy and Angel are still living through comics, do you think Roswell could have lived on through the world of comics as well?
Oh my God, yes! I’m so happy, you asked. As a comic artist, I see all the potential of that art. With drawing, everything is possible. It would be interesting to see new episodes in comic form. Either prequel or sequel. If I could, I would absolutely do a Roswell comic! I’ve thought about it several times. But I can’t because of copyright laws, of course. But I take this opportunity to let Jason Katims know that I would LOVE to draw for him an episode of Roswell (even for free)! A comic made by a fan for the fans! Although I’m not sure if he has the rights to the show or the studios, anyway.
Did you read the Roswell High book series by Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns? We think the aura’s would have looked perfect in a comic book adaption.
I was skeptical. It’s always recommended reading the book first, I hadn’t. I’ve started to read it, but some little things were disturbed me (Liz having a sister, things like that). And my English is not very good, so it was a little tricky. So I gave up, but I want to read them one day. I’m sure it would be a great comic book, and that fans of the show would enjoy it!
Did you read the follow up books?
Not yet, but it’s on my “to read” list. I recently read Crash Into Me: The World of “Roswell” and I was impressed by the history of You guys are amazing. Congratulations, for all the good work you did all those years.
Would you love to learn where the characters are now?
Oh sure! “Roswell” is definitely my favorite show (I watch it once a year). It’s funny, but sometimes I have the impression that Liz, Max, Maria, Michael, Isabel and Kyle are living together, somewhere. It sounds crazy… Haha! I think, the show ended too soon. We need more. A movie? A follow up of the show with the original cast? A comic book? I’m really excited about Baron and Toluca, but as a fan, I want more, always more! :)
Does the digital painting from The End of The World reveal to us that you are a Dreamer? Why did you choose this moment from the show?
Haha! You can say I’m a dreamer, yes. I think that’s what my answers show so far. I don’t know, I think that’s a beautiful episode (one of my favorites).
Do you have a favorite character?
Oh! That’s a hard one. I love each and every one of them. From Liz to Valenti (except for Tess, of course). I can’t find another TV show where I love all the characters. It’s hard to do, but they nailed it with Roswell. I would say Max and Liz, if I have to.
If a comic book would have been created for your favorite episode of Roswell, which scene of the episode would be on the cover?
“Blind Date” is a good one! I guess the perfect cover would be when Liz and Max are alone in the street (with Max using is powers to show Liz how he feels about her). The two of them, from a high point of view with the disco lights.
Which other episodes of the show do you love?
All of them, but my top ones are: “Pilot”, “Heat Wave”, “Sexual Healing”, “Max to the Max”, “The White Room”, “Destiny”, “Summer of ’47”, “The End of the World”, “Meet the Dupes”, ”A Roswell Christmas Carol”, “Viva Las Vegas”, “Cry Your Name”, “The Departure”, “A Tale of Two Parties”, “I Married an Alien”, “Ch-Ch-Changes”, “Chant Down Babylon” and “Who Died and Made You King?”
Is there something that you would try “to fix” in the show via a different ending / decision of the character on the show?
No, I think everything works well. The only thing, maybe, that I would change is to get Jesse in the van (in the last episode). It’s sad for Isabel, to be by herself. She never seems to find true happiness.
Did you create fanart, fanfiction back when Roswell aired? Was it helpful in the career your choose?
Yes, a drawing from 2001, and it’s very ugly. But it’s rewarding to see the evolution of my drawing skills. I also did one in 2012 (when I was studying animation). A very simple drawing, without a background. [See her early work here!] I always loved to draw, so this career path came naturally to me.
Which other shows do you enjoy and create artwork for?
As you know, I’ll be at FantastiCon in April so I’m working on a fan art of Buffy. I’ll have prints ready for the convention, including my latest Roswell fanart. I grew up in the 90’s so I’m in love with shows from that decade. The atmosphere was different, it resonates with me. I nonetheless enjoy more recent shows such as The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad or Bob’s Burger.
What authors / comic book artists have influenced you?
Bastien Vives. We have almost the same age and, like me, he’s working on a Wacom (a digital tablet). He’s my model. In Québec there is Iris, a very talented female artist. :)
Are your comic books available in English as well?
Yes. My book “La première, Tome 1” have been translated into English (“The First One, Volume 1”). It’s available on Amazon (digital version). I make it free for a week every 3 or 4 months so keep an eye on that.
Does the music used in an episode influence your choice of a certain character, image, or scene to be adapted into your artwork?
Not really, but I did listen to the soundtrack while drawing them. It immediately brings me back into the world of Roswell. The soundtrack is very good. I also listen to it when I did my Halloween costume. I learned to sew, by myself, to make my uniform (your article “How To Make Your Own Crashdown Uniform” was very appreciated)!
Do you listen to a certain genre of music while you are creating your artwork?
I’m a soundtrack person. “Now I call Disney” is one of my favorite (it’s put me in the “mood”). But there are plenty.
How do you choose which episode or image to recreate?
I don’t have that much time to do observational works, I want to do more. But when I do, I want to capture an emotion. I usually search for moments where the characters are vulnerable.
Can you tell us something about the creation process of a digital painting?
I begin by sketching very quickly where all the elements will be. After that, I do a more complex sketch. This step is very important. It gives a good idea of what the final will look like. The lineart comes after that, and then coloration. I’m working with an Intuos 5 (a digital tablet). The software I use is PaintTool Sai for the lineart and Photoshop for coloration.

Which part/character of your digital painting in front of the Crashdown was the easiest and/or the hardest to create?
Good question. I am hard on myself; I don’t even know if I love the drawing. I want to honor each actor and I am not sure I did a good job of it. But I think that it’s a funny piece. I had some troubles with Alex, Kyle and Valenti, I don’t know why. None of them were easy. I loved to draw Maria and Liz’ uniforms, as well as Max’s (from the UFO center).
Do you already have an idea for your next Roswell related work?
I always wanted to do posters for my room. It is so hard to find Roswell posters. Maybe three posters of the couples (Max/Liz, Maria/Michael and Isabel/Alex). We’ll see… : )
What are you working on at the moment and what’s next?
I’m working on the second volume of “La première” (“The First One”). I don’t know what will come next. I have just one thing to say: “Jason Katims, let’s get in touch!”
What are you looking forward to at FantastiCon in Montreal?
Meeting people that love comics, interacting with other respected artists. Being a guest there is pretty exciting! I’ll be more than happy to meet other Roswell fans and share my art with them.
Which guests are you excited to see yourself?
Oh! They are too numerous to name, but I immediately think of Djibril Morissette-Phan, a very creative illustrator I look up too.
Thanks so much for your time Velm. We wish you a great time at FantastiCon and we are looking forward to see more of your artworks… Roswell and non-Roswell related! All the best for your career goals.
Credit: Digital artwork shown with permission by the artist.
Related Social Media Posts #Roswell Looks Amazing in Velm’s Comic Style via @crashdowncom @SarahLeeAnne #bestTVshowEver
— Crashdown (@crashdowncom) March 7, 2017
Very cool.
— William Sadler (@Wm_Sadler) March 7, 2017
So proud to have been a part of this show.
— Aaron Harberts (@AaronHarberts) March 7, 2017
Related News:
Roswell Looks Amazing in Velm’s Comic Style, March 7th, 2017